La publication des résultats issus de la recherche est une étape clef de la démarche scientifique. C’est elle qui va permettre de diffuser les connaissances nouvellement acquises à l’issue d’un projet de recherche clinique.
Ces connaissances doivent être accessibles :
aux autres chercheurs,
- pour qu’ils puissent confronter les résultats d’autres équipes aux leurs,
- pour confirmer ou infirmer les conclusions proposées,
- pour qu’ils puissent asseoir de nouveaux projets sur les connaissances les plus récentes et pertinentes possibles.
aux praticiens,
- pour qu’ils puissent s’approprier les avancées de la recherche dans leur domaine,
- pour qu’ils puissent les mettre en pratique, éventuellement en les inscrivant dans des recommandations de bonnes pratiques cliniques
- pour qu’ils puissent faire évoluer, en lien avec les autorités sanitaires, les modalités de prises en charge et de remboursement de ces innovations.
Vous trouverez sur cette page les publications scientifiques dans lesquelles ont été impliquées les équipes du CHR Metz-Thionville. Seules les publications relevant du périmètre SIGAPS sont listées. Les publications sont accessibles par année, et selon la spécialité de la revue concernée.
Le CHR Metz-Thionville dispose d’abonnements à différentes revues scientifiques :

Aide médicale à la procréation
36902025 Neurotensin and Its Involvement in Reproductive Functions: An Exhaustive Review of the Literature. Anesthésie
36902026 Detection of Motor Cerebral Activity After Median Nerve Stimulation During General Anesthesia (STIM-MOTANA): Protocol for a Prospective Interventional Study. Cardiologie
36902027 ATE Score Diagnostic Accuracy for Predicting the Absence of Intra-Atrial Thrombi Before AF Ablation. 36902028 Multicentre medicoeconomic evaluation of cardiac magnetic resonance imaging for predicting coronary artery disease in left ventricular dysfunction: The CAMAREC study design. 36902029 Impact of pulmonary veins anatomy on the outcomes of radiofrequency ablation for paroxysmal atrial fibrillation in the era of contact force-sensing ablation catheters. Cardiologie, maladies vasculaires périphériques
36902030 Surgery for delayed leaflet impingement after transcatheter closure of a paravalvular leak associated with an aortic pseudoaneurysm. Cardiologie, radiologie, médecine nucléaire et imagerie médicale
36902031 Real world experience of therapeutic monitoring of medically treated prosthetic valve infective endocarditis by <sup>18</sup>F-FDG-PET/CT. Chimie analytique
36902032 Evaluation of a Scintillating Plastic Optical Fiber Device for Measuring kV-Cone Beam Computed Tomography Dose. Chirurgie
36902033 Cost-effectiveness of robotic-assisted surgery vs open surgery in the context of partial nephrectomy for small kidney tumors. 36902034 Clinical and oncological outcomes of open partial nephrectomy versus robot assisted partial nephrectomy over 15 years. Chirurgie maxillo-faciale
36902035 Surgical management of odontogenic myxomas: A case series. Chirurgie pédiatrique
36902036 Outcome of long gap esophageal atresia at 6 years: A prospective case control cohort study. Chirurgie pédiatrique, orthopédie
36902037 Seat belt syndrome with caecal perforation and Chance fracture in an adolescent. Chirurgie plastique
36902038 Transcriptomic Study on Human Skin Samples: Identification of Two Subclasses of Actinic Keratoses. Dentisterie et chirurgie orale
36902039 A suggested universal protocol for dental examination in sports. Dermatologie
36902040 Impact of Baricitinib on Patients'' Quality of Life after One Year of Treatment for Atopic Dermatitis in Real-World Practice: Results of the Observatory of Chronic Inflammatory Skin Diseases Registry. 36902041 Prevalence and comorbidities of dermatoporosis: A French prospective observational study in general medicine consultation. 36902042 Janus kinase inhibitors for the treatment of atopic dermatitis: Real-life data on efficacy and safety in light of the Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee recommended measures. 36902043 Rupioid psoriasis revealing Fiessinger-Leroy-Reiter syndrome. 36902044 Response to ''Eruptive keratoacanthomas associated with dupilumab therapy''. Endocrinologie et métabolisme
36902045 CT evaluation of bone fragility 2 years after bariatric surgery: an observational study. Gastro-entérologie et hépatologie, chirurgie
36902046 Use of endoscopic submucosal dissection or full-thickness resection device to treat residual colorectal neoplasia after endoscopic resection: a multicenter historical cohort study. Gynécologie et obstétrique
36902047 Combination of serum and peritoneal 1.3-beta-D-glucan can rule out intra-abdominal candidiasis in surgical critically ill patients: a multicenter prospective study. 36902048 Fluid balance control in critically ill patients: results from as-treated analyses of POINCARE-2 randomized trial. 36902049 Prognostic value of respiratory compliance course on mortality in COVID-19 patients with vv-ECMO. 36902050 Necrotizing soft tissue infections in critically ill neutropenic patients: a French multicentre retrospective cohort study. 36902051 Clinical features, etiologies, and outcomes in adult patients with meningoencephalitis requiring intensive care (EURECA): an international prospective multicenter cohort study. 36902052 Fluid balance control in critically ill patients: results from POINCARE-2 stepped wedge cluster-randomized trial. 36902053 [Place of breast self-examination in screening strategies. French College of Gynecologists and Obstetricians (CNGOF) recommendations for clinical practice]. Gynécologie-obstétrique, dermatologie, chirurgie
36902054 Evolution of hematocrit in burn patients as a marker of early fluid management during acute phase. Hématologie
36902055 A fixed-duration immunochemotherapy approach in CLL: 5.5-year results from the phase 2 ICLL-07 FILO trial. 36902056 On Behalf of the SFGM-TC: Prophylactic Donor Lymphocyte Infusion in Patients Treated with Allogeneic Stem-Cell Transplantation for High-Risk Myelodysplastic Syndrome and Acute Myeloid Leukemia. 36902057 Clinical characteristics and outcome of 318 families with familial monoclonal gammopathy: A multicenter Intergroupe Francophone du Myélome study. Immunologie
36902058 Prognostic value of complement serum C3 level and glomerular C3 deposits in anti-glomerular basement membrane disease. Maladies infectieuses, microbiologie
36902059 Time to negative PCR conversion amongst high-risk patients with mild-to-moderate Omicron BA.1 and BA.2 COVID-19 treated with sotrovimab or nirmatrelvir. Médecine d'urgence
36902060 Lymphocyte-to-C-Reactive Protein (LCR) Ratio Is Not Accurate to Predict Severity and Mortality in Patients with COVID-19 Admitted to the ED. 36902061 Performance of the Fresno-Quebec Rule in identifying patients with concomitant fractures not requiring a radiograph before shoulder dislocation reduction: a multicenter retrospective cohort study. 36902062 An emergency department organizational assessment questionnaire: a Delphi study to create standardized comparators for emergency department directors. Médecine générale et interne
36902063 Effect of weight-adjusted intermediate-dose versus fixed-dose prophylactic anticoagulation with low-molecular-weight heparin on venous thromboembolism among noncritically and critically ill patients with COVID-19: the COVI-DOSE trial, a multicenter, randomised, open-label, phase 4 trial. 36902064 Effect of rectus sheath anaesthesia versus thoracic epidural analgesia on postoperative recovery quality after elective open abdominal surgery in a French regional hospital: the study protocol of a randomised controlled QoR-RECT-CATH trial. 36902065 Hydrocortisone in Severe Community-Acquired Pneumonia. 36902066 Five-year clinical outcomes of 107 consecutive DMEK surgeries. Nephrologie, dialyse
36902067 Quality of Professional Life and Its Association with Emotional Well-Being among COVID-19 Physicians and Nurses. Nephrologie, pédiatrie
36902068 Campylobacter Colitis as a Trigger for Atypical Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome: About One Case. Neurologie, pédiatrie
36902069 Treatments of paediatric multiple sclerosis: Efficacy and tolerance in a longitudinal follow-up study. Neurosciences, psychiatrie
36902070 [What is the contribution of smoking to the increased risk of suicide in young smokers? A systematic review]. Odontologie
36902071 Experimental Analysis of the Influence of Heat Treatments on the Flexibility of NiTi Alloy for Endodontic Instruments Manufacturing. Oncologie
36902072 A primary small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma (SCNC) of the oral cavity (cheek mucosa): Description of a case report. 36902073 Association and performance of polygenic risk scores for breast cancer among French women presenting or not a familial predisposition to the disease. Oncologie, chirurgie
36902074 Anastomotic leakage and functional outcomes following total mesorectal excision with delayed and immediate colo-anal anastomosis for rectal cancer: Two single-arm phase II trials. Oncologie, hématologie
36902075 Gilteritinib activity in refractory or relapsed FLT3-mutated acute myeloid leukemia patients previously treated by intensive chemotherapy and midostaurin: a study from the French AML Intergroup ALFA/FILO. 36902076 PAX-FOXO1 fusion status in children and adolescents with alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma: Impact on clinical, pathological, and survival features. Ophtalmologie
36902077 Validation of a pre-established triage protocol for critically ill patients in a COVID-19 outbreak under resource scarcity: A retrospective multicenter cohort study. 36902078 Postoperative, but not preoperative, central corneal thickness correlates with the postoperative visual outcomes of Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty. 36902079 Exploratory study: Evaluation of a symptom checker effectiveness for providing a diagnosis and evaluating the situation emergency compared to emergency physicians using simulated and standardized patients. 36902080 Biomechanics of keratoconus: Two numerical studies. 36902081 Letter Regarding: Corneal Endothelial Cell Loss After Endocapsular and Supracapsular Phacoemulsification: The PERCEPOLIS Randomized Clinical Trial. 36902082 Corneal Perforation Repair Using a Novel Lyophilized Amniotic Membrane Graft Technique: Plug and Patch. Pédiatrie
36902083 Early elevated alkaline phosphatase as a surrogate biomarker of ongoing metabolic bone disease of prematurity. 36902084 Early Diagnosis of Ongoing Metabolic Bone Disease of Prematurity with Elevated Serum Alkaline Phosphatase. Pédiatrie, radiologie, médecine nucléaire et imagerie médicale
36902085 Exploration of the fetal skeleton by ultra-low-dose computed tomography: guidelines from the Fetal Imaging Task Force of the European Society of Paediatric Radiology. Pédiatrie, urologie et néphrologie
36902086 The Gigli saw, a useful tool for cutting a metal ring causing penile strangulation. Pharmacie
36902087 Comparison of the validity, perceived usefulness, and usability of I-MeDeSA and TEMAS, two tools to evaluate alert system usability. Pharmacie clinique
36902088 [First French-speaking days of users of decision support system in clinical pharmacy: Feedback and perspectives]. Pharmacologie-pharmacie
36902089 Why the article that led to the widespread use of hydroxychloroquine in COVID-19 should be retracted. 36902090 Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis after intravitreal vascular growth factor inhibitor injections: A case report and review of the literature. Pneumologie
36902091 [Bronchial diseases and heroin use. A systematic review]. 36902092 [And if we wagered that 10 years from now, there will be no new \"lungs and addictives substances\" series in the Revue des Maladies Respiratoires?]. 36902093 [Smoking cessation treatment for smokers with COPD: The importance of therapeutic education]. 36902094 [Diffuse alveolar hemorrhage in cannabis smokers. A systematic literature review]. Radiologie, médecine nucléaire et imagerie médicale
36902095 Clinical validation of an AI-based automatic quantification tool for lung lobes in SPECT/CT. 36902096 [ <sup>18</sup>F]DCFPyL PET/CT versus [ <sup>18</sup>F]fluoromethylcholine PET/CT in Biochemical Recurrence of Prostate Cancer (PYTHON): a prospective, open label, cross-over, comparative study. 36902097 Implementation of xSPECT, xSPECT bone and Broadquant from literature, clinical survey and innovative phantom study with task-based image quality assessment. 36902098 Personalization of <sup>99m</sup>Tc-sestamibi activity in SPECT/CT myocardial perfusion imaging with the cardiofocal SmartZoom® collimator. Sciences et services en santé
36902099 Medical assistance in dying law: a qualitative study of French cancer physicians. Toxicologie
36902100 A French study of cocaine intoxication/exposure in children (2010-2020). Transplantation, urologie et néphrologie
36902101 Exome data reanalysis solved case in undetermined nephropathy with detection of TULP3-truncating variant. Urologie et néphrologie
36902102 Anal incontinence incidence is high in patients with obesity prior to bariatric surgery: Prevalence, risks-factors.

34601755 A European survey of management approaches in chronic urticaria in children: EAACI pediatric urticaria taskforce. Anesthésie, réanimation
34601756 Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation for Respiratory Failure Related to COVID-19: A Nationwide Cohort Study. Biologie cellulaire
34601757 Clinical, phenotypic and genetic landscape of case reports with genetically proven inherited disorders of vitamin B <sub>12</sub> metabolism: A meta-analysis. 34601758 Reporting Criteria for Clinical Trials on Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (MRONJ): A Review and Recommendations. Cardiologie
34601759 Prevalence and Determinants of PVCs Originating From the Mitral Apparatus in Patients With MVP. 34601760 Therapeutic inertia in the pharmacological management of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. 34601761 Atrial flutter caused by migration of a superior vena cava stent into the right atrium. 34601762 Postinflammatory rupture of right coronary artery ostium complicating Behçet disease. Chirurgie
34601763 Sequential Treatment of Extreme Maxillary Hypoplasia: A Historical Patient Report of an Edentulous Adult Patient With Ankyloglossia. 34601764 Evaluation of diagnostic laparoscopy for penetrating abdominal injuries: About 131 anterior abdominal stab wound. Chirurgie plastique
34601765 Impact of optical clearing on ex vivo human skin optical properties characterized by spatially resolved multimodal spectroscopy. Gastro-entérologie et hépatologie
34601766 Weight change after colectomy for ulcerative colitis. Génétique et hérédité
34601767 Atypical phenotype of a patient with Bardet-Biedl syndrome type 4. 34601768 Diagnostic yield of clinical exome sequencing as a first-tier genetic test for the diagnosis of genetic disorders in pediatric patients: results from a referral center study. Génétique-hérédité, Neurologie
34601769 Reduced penetrance of an eastern French mutation in ATL1 autosomal-dominant inheritance (SPG3A): extended phenotypic spectrum coupled with brain <sup>18</sup>F-FDG PET. Gynécologie et obstétrique
34601770 [Mother''s experience of planned caesarean section in the absence of the father or companion: Impact of Covid-19 pandemic-related lockdown]. 34601771 Comparative evaluation of the impact of the COVID-19 lockdown on perinatal experience: A prospective multicentre study. 34601772 [Techniques and complications of non-genetic risk reducing mastectomies: Guidelines of the National College of French Gynecologists and Obstetricians (CNGOF)]. 34601773 [Non-genetic indications for risk reducing mastectomies: Guidelines of the National College of French Gynecologists and Obstetricians (CNGOF)]. 34601774 Management of persistent occiput posterior position: The added value of manual rotation. Gynécologie et obstétrique, chirurgie
34601775 Clinical decision support for severe trauma patients: Machine learning based definition of a bundle of care for hemorrhagic shock and traumatic brain injury. Gynécologie, obstétrique
34601776 Magnetic Resonance Imaging Angiography of Physiological and Pathological Pregnancy Placentas Ex Vivo: Protocol for a Prospective Pilot Study. Gynécologie-obstétrique, pneumologie
34601777 Arterial Cannulation Simulation Training in Novice Ultrasound Users. Hématologie
34601778 Bortezomib and high-dose melphalan conditioning regimen in frontline multiple myeloma: an IFM randomized phase 3 study. Immunologie
34601779 TLR7 Activation Accelerates Cardiovascular Pathology in a Mouse Model of Lupus. Laboratoire médical, recherche médicale
34601780 [Investigation of large granular lymphocytic leukemias: data from the laboratory of hematology at Nancy University Hospital, France]. Maladies infectieuses
34601781 Sotrovimab to prevent severe COVID-19 in high-risk patients infected with Omicron BA.2. Médecine Générale et Interne
34601782 Clinical outcomes and characteristics of critically ill patients with influenza- and COVID-19-induced ARDS: A retrospective, matched cohort study. 34601783 Study protocol: hypnosis versus standard care for shoulder dislocation reduction in the emergency department - a multicentre, randomised, controlled study protocol. 34601784 Prevalence of Osteoporosis Assessed by DXA and/or CT in Severe Obese Patients. 34601785 Vitamin D Status and Steatohepatitis in Obese Diabetic and Non-Diabetic Patients. 34601786 Silent Hypoxemia in the Emergency Department: A Retrospective Cohort of Two Clinical Phenotypes in Critical COVID-19. 34601787 Platelet-to-Lymphocyte Ratio (PLR) Is Not a Predicting Marker of Severity but of Mortality in COVID-19 Patients Admitted to the Emergency Department: A Retrospective Multicenter Study. 34601788 Iron deficiency screening is a key issue in chronic inflammatory diseases: A call to action. 34601789 Lymphopenia and Early Variation of Lymphocytes to Predict In-Hospital Mortality and Severity in ED Patients with SARS-CoV-2 Infection. 34601790 Evaluation of the impact of an enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) programme on the quality of recovery in patients undergoing a scheduled hysterectomy: a prospective single-centre before-after study protocol (RAACHYS study). 34601791 Comparison of SARS-CoV-2 Variants of Concern Alpha (B.1.1.7) vs. Beta (B.1.351) in Critically Ill Patients: A Multicenter Cohort Study. 34601792 The Impact of Age on In-Hospital Mortality in Critically Ill COVID-19 Patients: A Retrospective and Multicenter Study. 34601793 Symptoms of Infarction in Women: Is There a Real Difference Compared to Men? A Systematic Review of the Literature with Meta-Analysis. Médecine intégrative
34601794 Effectiveness of Hypnosis for the Prevention of Anxiety During Coronary Angiography (HYPCOR study): a prospective randomized study. Neurochirurgie et ophtalmologie
34601795 Ophthalmological lesions in shaken baby syndrome: A retrospective analysis of 133 consecutive cases (1992-2018). Neurologie
34601796 General anesthesia or conscious sedation for endovascular therapy of basilar artery occlusions: ETIS registry results. 34601797 Correction to: A paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis from an anorectal small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma: a case report. 34601798 Cognitive impairment in glycogen storage disease type III with severe heart failure: A case report. 34601799 Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein Autoimmunity: A French Cohort Study. Nutrition et diététique
34601800 Towards a Common Definition for the Diagnosis of Iron Deficiency in Chronic Inflammatory Diseases. Oncologie
34601801 Correlation between DNA Methylation and Cell Proliferation Identifies New Candidate Predictive Markers in Meningioma. 34601802 Development of a Clinical-Biological Model to Assess Tumor Progression in Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer: Post Hoc Analysis of the PRODIGE4/ACCORD11 Trial. 34601803 Is the TCH-P regimen active in early or locally advanced HER2-positive breast cancer? Results of a retrospective study. 34601804 Initial PCV Chemotherapy Followed by Radiotherapy Is Associated With a Prolonged Response But Late Neurotoxicity in 20 Diffuse Low-Grade Glioma Patients. Oncologie, gastro-entérologie et hépatologie
34601805 A fatal primary gastric melanoma treated by a double immunotherapy with ipilimumab/nivolumab: description of a case report. Oncologie, hématologie
34601806 Carfilzomib maintenance in newly diagnosed non-transplant eligible multiple myeloma. 34601807 Intensive chemotherapy followed by autologous stem cell transplantation in primary central nervous system lymphomas (PCNSLs). Therapeutic outcomes in real life-experience of the French Network. Oncologie, radiologie, médecine nucléaire et imagerie médicale
34601808 Evaluation of the ability of the Brainlab Elements Cranial Distortion Correction algorithm to correct clinically relevant MRI distortions for cranial SRT. 34601809 Multi-tracer and multiparametric PET imaging to detect the IDH mutation in glioma: a preclinical translational in vitro, in vivo, and ex vivo study. 34601810 Radiotherapy for cancers of the oesophagus, cardia and stomach. 34601811 Radiation Therapy Techniques and Treatment-Related Toxicity in the PORTEC-3 Trial: Comparison of 3-Dimensional Conformal Radiation Therapy Versus Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy. Ophtalmologie
34601812 ICU strain and outcome in COVID-19 patients-A multicenter retrospective observational study. 34601813 Critical structural elements for the antigenicity of wheat allergen LTP1 (Tri a 14) revealed by site-directed mutagenesis. 34601814 Comparison of triple-DMEK to pseudophakic-DMEK: A cohort study of 95 eyes. 34601815 Evolution of corneal transplantation techniques and their indications in a French corneal transplant unit in 2000-2020. 34601816 Identification of the preoperative and perioperative factors that predict postoperative endothelial cell density after Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty: A retrospective cohort study. 34601817 Ability of routinely collected clinical factors to predict good visual results after primary Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty: a cohort study. 34601818 Corneal Endothelial Cell Loss After Endocapsular and Supracapsular Phacoemulsification: The PERCEPOLIS Randomized Clinical Trial. 34601819 Graft Thickness at 6 Months Postoperatively Predicts Long-Term Visual Acuity Outcomes of Descemet Stripping Automated Endothelial Keratoplasty for Fuchs Dystrophy and Moderate Phakic Bullous Keratopathy: A Cohort Study. 34601820 Considerations regarding the tilt-and-crush phacoemulsification technique. 34601821 Association of Microvasculature Changes with Visual Outcomes after Successful Retinal Detachment Surgery. Pneumologie
34601822 [Inhaled marijuana and the lung, a toxic cocktail?]. 34601823 [Asthma and suicidal behavior in adolescents: a literature review]. 34601824 Progression to a severe form of COVID-19 among patients with chronic respiratory diseases. Radiologie, médecine nucléaire et imagerie médicale, médecine nucléaire et imagerie médicale
34601825 Performance of native and gadoxetate-enhanced liver and spleen T <sub>1</sub> mapping for noninvasive diagnosis of clinically significant portal hypertension: preliminary results. 34601826 Chest CT Characteristics are Strongly Predictive of Mortality in Patients with COVID-19 Pneumonia: A Multicentric Cohort Study. 34601827 Comparison of T2 Quantification Strategies in the Abdominal-Pelvic Region for Clinical Use. Science et services en santé, médecine générale et interne
34601828 Biosensors for the Rapid Detection of Cardiovascular Biomarkers of Vital Interest: Needs, Analysis and Perspectives. 34601829 Breast Reconstruction by Exclusive Lipofilling after Total Mastectomy for Breast Cancer: Description of the Technique and Evaluation of Quality of Life. 34601830 Relevant Biomarkers in Medical Practices: An Analysis of the Needs Addressed by an International Survey. Urologie et néphrologie
34601831 Atypical Clinical Presentation of Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Mimicking Medullary Sponge Kidney Disease. Virologie
34601832 Oxidative stress status and vitamin D levels of asymptomatic to mild symptomatic COVID-19 infections during the third trimester of pregnancy: A retrospective study in Metz, France.

- Physician''s experience on managing asthma in adolescents: results of the International AMADO (Asthma Management in ADOlescents) survey. Chong-Fah-Shen, K ; Bumbacea, R ; Bassani, C ; Beltran, CFP ; Pham, D ; Lefevre, S & al Asia Pac Allergy 34786375
Allergologie, Immunologie
- Childhood asthma outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic: Findings from the PeARL multi-national cohort. Papadopoulos, NG ; Mathioudakis, AG ; Custovic, A ; Deschildre, A ; Phipatanakul, W ; Wong, G & al Allergy 33608919
- Utility of drug provocation tests in the evaluation of quinolone hypersensitivity reactions. Chiriac, AM ; Tanno, LK ; Landry, Q ; Fillard, A ; Grylaki, M ; Lefevre, S & al J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract 33383193
- Biological treatments in allergy: prescribing patterns and management of hypersensitivity reactions. Barakat, L ; Torres, MJ ; Phillips, EJ ; Caminati, M ; Chang, YS ; Caimmi, D & al J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract 33161172
- A Proposal from the Montpellier World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Better Management and Prevention of Anaphylaxis. Tanno, LK ; Touati, N ; Allichon, S ; Martin, B ; Ebisawa, M ; Ansotegui, I & al J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract 33059097
- Effects of pupillary reflex dilation-guided opioid administration on remifentanil and morphine consumption during laparoscopic surgery: A randomised controlled trial. Guerci, P ; Jay, G ; Arnout, C ; Herbain, D ; Baka, N ; Poirel, O & al Eur J Anaesthesiol 33913678
- Balanced Opioid-free Anesthesia with Dexmedetomidine versus Balanced Anesthesia with Remifentanil for Major or Intermediate Noncardiac Surgery. Beloeil, H ; Garot, M ; Lebuffe, G ; Gerbaud, A ; Bila, J ; Cuvillon, P & al Anesthesiology 33630043
Anesthésie, Neurologie, Neurosciences
- Safety and efficacy of an equimolar mixture of oxygen and nitrous oxide: a randomized controlled trial in patients with peripheral neuropathic pain. Bouhassira, D ; Perrot, S ; Riant, T ; Martiné-Fabre, G ; Pickering, G ; Maindet, C & al Pain 33044394
Anesthésie, Réanimation
- Preliminary data on severe SARS-CoV-2 infection caused by the 501Y.V2 variant. Louis, G ; Goetz, C ; Mellati, N ; Dunand, P ; Picard, Y Anaesth Crit Care Pain Med 34033926
- Acute kidney injury in severe SARS-CoV-2 infection: An experience report in Eastern France. Louis, G ; Belveyre, T ; Goetz, C ; Gaci, R ; Dinot, V Anaesth Crit Care Pain Med 33264687
- Ten months of temporal variation in the clinical journey of hospitalised patients with COVID-19: An observational cohort. Hall, MD ; Baruch, J ; Carson, G ; Citarella, BW ; Dagens, A ; Dankwa, EA & al Elife 34812731
- Mechanical complications in ST-elevation myocardial infarction: The impact of pre-hospital delay. Bouisset, F ; Deney, A ; Ferrières, J ; Panagides, V ; Becker, M ; Riviere, N & al Int J Cardiol 34699868
- ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction: Management and association with prognosis during the COVID-19 pandemic in France. Bonnet, G ; Panagides, V ; Becker, M ; Rivière, N ; Yvorel, C ; Deney, A & al Arch Cardiovasc Dis 33926830
- Temporal trends in mortality and readmission after acute heart failure: a systematic review and meta-regression in the past four decades. Kimmoun, A ; Takagi, K ; Gall, E ; Ishihara, S ; Hammoum, P ; El Bèze, N & al Eur J Heart Fail 33443295
- Anticoagulant selection in relation to the SAMe-TT <sub>2</sub>R <sub>2</sub> score in patients with atrial fibrillation: The GLORIA-AF registry. Ntaios, G ; Huisman, MV ; Diener, HC ; Halperin, JL ; Teutsch, C ; Marler, S & al Hellenic J Cardiol 33338644
- Interleukin 6 and Cardiovascular Outcomes in Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease and Chronic Coronary Syndrome. Batra, G ; Ghukasyan Lakic, T ; Lindbäck, J ; Held, C ; White, HD ; Stewart, RAH & al JAMA Cardiol 34431970
Cardiologie, Radiologie, Médecine Nucléaire et Imagerie Médicale medecine nucleaire et imagerie médicale
- Hypermetabolism of the spleen or bone marrow is an additional albeit indirect sign of infective endocarditis at FDG-PET. Boursier, C ; Duval, X ; Mahida, B ; Hoen, B ; Goehringer, F ; Selton-Suty, C & al J Nucl Cardiol 32043240
- Four-Dimensional CT Analysis of Dorsal Intercalated Segment Instability in patients with Suspected Scapholunate Instability. Athlani, L ; Granero, J ; Rouizi, K ; Hossu, G ; Blum, A ; Dautel, G & al J Wrist Surg 34109067
- [Perforating flap for covering sacro-coccygeal cysts: About 8 cases]. Hollard-Kissel, F ; Simon, E ; Brix, M ; de Runz, A ; Khairallah, G ; Scherrer, ML & al Ann Chir Plast Esthet 33589359
Dentisterie et chirurgie orale
- Surgical Treatment of Voluminous Jaw Cysts with a Buccal Plate: A Study of 20 Clinical Cases. Baumann, B ; Saez, P ; Curien, R ; Engels-Deutsch, M J Contemp Dent Pract 35000955
- Use of the pericoronal tissue of impacted third molar in subgingival connective tissue autograft: A case report. Becker, A ; Garnier, JF ; Benahmed, N ; Curien, R ; Guillet, J Int J Surg Case Rep 34090201
- Mandibular osteonecrosis following herpes zoster infection: Report of a rare case with a literature review. Faure, E ; Engels-Deutsch, M ; Paraschiv, EA ; Gérard, E ; Curien, R Clin Case Rep 34084510
- Prevalence of ocular disease during dupilumab treatment for atopic dermatitis: a bicentric retrospective comparative cohort study. Barbé, J ; Poreaux, C ; Remen, T ; Schoeffler, A ; Cloché, V ; Schmutz, JL & al Int J Dermatol 34037253
- Frequency of relapse and persistent cutaneous symptoms after a first episode of chilblain-like lesion during the COVID-19 pandemic. Moghadam, P ; Frumholtz, L ; Jaume, L ; De Masson, A ; Jachiet, M ; Begon, E & al J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 34036642
Gastro-entérologie et Hépatologie
- Liver fibrosis and all-cause mortality in chronic HCV-infected diabetic patients: A paradoxical association? (ANRS CO22 HEPATHER). Barré, T ; Ramier, C ; Di Beo, V ; Carrat, F ; Fontaine, H ; Marcellin, F & al Liver Int 33993651
- Absence of impact of direct acting antivirals for hepatitis C virus on recurrent hepatocellular carcinoma tumor growth in the AFEF/ANRS CO22 Hepather cohort. Vallet-Pichard, A ; Correas, JM ; Dorival, C ; Zoulim, F ; Tran, A ; Bourlière, M & al Clin Res Hepatol Gastroenterol 32595103
Gastro-entérologie et Hépatologie, Chirurgie
- Prognostic factors associated with six month mortality of critically ill elderly patients admitted to the intensive care unit with severe acute cholangitis. Novy, E ; Carrara, L ; Remen, T ; Chevaux, JB ; Losser, MR ; Louis, G & al HPB (Oxford) 32839088
Gastro-entérologie et Hépatologie, pharmacologie-pharmacie
- Similar 5-year HCC occurrence in Tenofovir- and Entecavir-treated HBV chronic infection in the French AFEF/ANRS CO22 Hepather cohort. Pol, S Aliment Pharmacol Ther 33464621
- Oral contraceptive use and ovarian cancer risk for BRCA1/2 mutation carriers: an international cohort study. Schrijver, LH ; Antoniou, AC ; Olsson, H ; Mooij, TM ; Roos-Blom, MJ ; Azarang, L & al Am J Obstet Gynecol 33493488
- [Sigmoid volvulus in post-partum period: Just think about it]. Piffer, A ; Richard, C ; Frisoni, R Gynecol Obstet Fertil Senol 33434751
- Characteristics and outcome of patients with low-/intermediate-risk acute promyelocytic leukemia treated with arsenic trioxide: an international collaborative study. Kayser, S ; Schlenk, RF ; Lebon, D ; Carre, M ; Götze, KS ; Stölzel, F & al Haematologica 34047178
- Molecular classification and prognosis in younger adults with acute myeloid leukemia and intermediate-risk cytogenetics treated or not by gemtuzumab ozogamycin: Final results of the GOELAMS/FILO acute myeloid leukemia 2006-intermediate-risk trial. Bouvier, A ; Hamel, JF ; Delaunay, J ; Delabesse, E ; Dumas, PY ; Ledoux, MP & al Eur J Haematol 33765335
- A fixed-duration, measurable residual disease-guided approach in CLL: follow-up data from the phase 2 ICLL-07 FILO trial. Michallet, AS ; Letestu, R ; Le Garff-Tavernier, M ; Aanei, C ; Ticchioni, M ; Dilhuydy, MS & al Blood 33167024
- Plasmacytoid dendritic cells proliferation associated with acute myeloid leukemia: phenotype profile and mutation landscape. Zalmaï, L ; Viailly, PJ ; Biichle, S ; Cheok, M ; Soret, L ; Angelot-Delettre, F & al Haematologica 33054115
Immunologie, Maladies infectieuses, Microbiologie
- Impact of Systematic Whole-body 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose PET/CT on the Management of Patients Suspected of Infective Endocarditis: The Prospective Multicenter TEPvENDO Study. Duval, X ; Le Moing, V ; Tubiana, S ; Esposito-Farèse, M ; Ilic-Habensus, E ; Leclercq, F & al Clin Infect Dis 32488236
- A Prospective Cohort Study to Identify Clinical, Biological, and Imaging Features That Predict the Etiology of Acute Encephalitis. Le Maréchal, M ; Mailles, A ; Seigneurin, A ; Tattevin, P ; Stahl, JP ; Épaulard, O Clin Infect Dis 32433723
Maladies infectieuses
- The value of open-source clinical science in pandemic response: lessons from ISARIC. Lancet Infect Dis 34619109
- Direct, indirect and total effect of HIV coinfection on the risk of non-liver-related cancer in hepatitis C virus-infected patients treated by direct-acting antivirals: a mediation analysis. Chalouni, M ; Pol, S ; Sogni, P ; Fontaine, H ; Lacombe, K ; Lacombe, JM & al HIV Med 34402547
- COVID-19 symptoms at hospital admission vary with age and sex: results from the ISARIC prospective multinational observational study. Infection 34170486
- Infection related catheter complications in patients undergoing prone positioning for acute respiratory distress syndrome: an exposed/unexposed study. Louis, G ; Belveyre, T ; Jacquot, A ; Hochard, H ; Aissa, N ; Kimmoun, A & al BMC Infect Dis 34098888
- Management of prosthetic joint infections in France: a national audit to identify key situations requiring innovation and homogenization. Le Maréchal, M ; Cavalli, Z ; Batailler, C ; Gonzalez, JF ; Ferreira, A ; Lustig, S & al BMC Infect Dis 33933020
- Early assessment of diffusion and possible expansion of SARS-CoV-2 Lineage 20I/501Y.V1 (B.1.1.7, variant of concern 202012/01) in France, January to March 2021. Gaymard, A ; Bosetti, P ; Feri, A ; Destras, G ; Enouf, V ; Andronico, A & al Euro Surveill 33663644
Maladies infectieuses, Microbiologie
- An open-label randomized controlled trial of the effect of lopinavir/ritonavir, lopinavir/ritonavir plus IFN-β-1a and hydroxychloroquine in hospitalized patients with COVID-19. Ader, F ; Peiffer-Smadja, N ; Poissy, J ; Bouscambert-Duchamp, M ; Belhadi, D ; Diallo, A & al Clin Microbiol Infect 34048876
- A prospective multicentre surveillance study to investigate the risk associated with contaminated sinks in the intensive care unit. Valentin, AS ; Santos, SD ; Goube, F ; Gimenes, R ; Decalonne, M ; Mereghetti, L & al Clin Microbiol Infect 33640576
Maladies infectieuses, Microbiologie, pharmacologie-pharmacie
- Factors associated with the emergence of integrase resistance mutations in patients failing dual or triple integrase inhibitor-based regimens in a French national survey. Marcelin, AG ; Charpentier, C ; Bellecave, P ; Abdi, B ; Chaix, ML ; Ferre, V & al J Antimicrob Chemother 34100068
Médecine d'urgence, Psychiatrie
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Médecine Générale et Interne
- TRANSCOV cohort protocol: an epidemiological study assessing the impact of critically ill COVID-19 patients long distance transfers between intensive care units. Grimaud, O ; Bayat, S ; Renault, A ; Maury, E ; Pottecher, J ; Dolz, M & al BMJ Open 34675022
- The AKIKI 2 trial: a case for strategy of initiation instead of timing - Authors'' reply. Gaudry, S ; Hajage, D ; Louis, G ; Quenot, JP ; Dreyfuss, D Lancet 34600623
- REGEN-COV Antibody Combination and Outcomes in Outpatients with Covid-19. Weinreich, DM ; Sivapalasingam, S ; Norton, T ; Ali, S ; Gao, H ; Bhore, R & al N Engl J Med 34587383
- Dual Antiplatelet Therapy after PCI in Patients at High Bleeding Risk. Valgimigli, M ; Frigoli, E ; Heg, D ; Tijssen, J ; Jüni, P ; Vranckx, P & al N Engl J Med 34449185
- Is There an Association between Epicardial Adipose Tissue and Outcomes after Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation Catheter Ablation? Hammache, N ; Pegorer-Sfes, H ; Benali, K ; Magnin Poull, I ; Olivier, A ; Echivard, M & al J Clin Med 34300203
- Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio and Early Variation of NLR to Predict In-Hospital Mortality and Severity in ED Patients with SARS-CoV-2 Infection. Abensur Vuillaume, L ; Le Borgne, P ; Alamé, K ; Lefebvre, F ; Bérard, L ; Delmas, N & al J Clin Med 34207918
- Daratumumab-Based Treatment for Immunoglobulin Light-Chain Amyloidosis. Kastritis, E ; Palladini, G ; Minnema, MC ; Wechalekar, AD ; Jaccard, A ; Lee, HC & al N Engl J Med 34192431
- Randomized Trial of Fetal Surgery for Moderate Left Diaphragmatic Hernia. Deprest, JA ; Benachi, A ; Gratacos, E ; Nicolaides, KH ; Berg, C ; Persico, N & al N Engl J Med 34106555
- Multivessel PCI Guided by FFR or Angiography for Myocardial Infarction. Puymirat, E ; Cayla, G ; Simon, T ; Steg, PG ; Montalescot, G ; Durand-Zaleski, I & al N Engl J Med 33999545
- Comparison of two delayed strategies for renal replacement therapy initiation for severe acute kidney injury (AKIKI 2): a multicentre, open-label, randomised, controlled trial. Gaudry, S ; Hajage, D ; Martin-Lefevre, L ; Lebbah, S ; Louis, G ; Moschietto, S & al Lancet 33812488
- Correction: Diagnostic performance of congestion score index evaluated from chest radiography for acute heart failure in the emergency department: A retrospective analysis from the PARADISE cohort. Kobayashi, M ; Douair, A ; Duarte, K ; Jaeger, D ; Giacomin, G ; Bassand, A & al PLoS Med 33667216
- Repurposed Antiviral Drugs for Covid-19 - Interim WHO Solidarity Trial Results. Pan, H ; Peto, R ; Henao-Restrepo, AM ; Preziosi, MP ; Sathiyamoorthy, V ; Abdool Karim, Q & al N Engl J Med 33264556
Médecine légale
- SARS-Cov-2 fulminant myocarditis: an autopsy and histopathological case study. Gauchotte, G ; Venard, V ; Segondy, M ; Cadoz, C ; Esposito-Fava, A ; Barraud, D & al Int J Legal Med 33392658
- Do Blood Eosinophils Predict in-Hospital Mortality or Severity of Disease in SARS-CoV-2 Infection? A Retrospective Multicenter Study. Le Borgne, P ; Abensur Vuillaume, L ; Alamé, K ; Lefebvre, F ; Chabrier, S ; Bérard, L & al Microorganisms 33567583
- Preoperative REM Sleep Behavior Disorder and Subthalamic Nucleus Deep Brain Stimulation Outcome in Parkinson Disease 1 Year After Surgery. Besse-Pinot, E ; Pereira, B ; Durif, F ; Fantini, ML ; Durand, E ; Debilly, B & al Neurology 34667082
- Efficacy and Safety of Ticagrelor and Aspirin in Patients With Moderate Ischemic Stroke: An Exploratory Analysis of the THALES Randomized Clinical Trial. Wang, Y ; Pan, Y ; Li, H ; Amarenco, P ; Denison, H ; Evans, SR & al JAMA Neurol 34244703
- Healthy Life-Year Costs of Treatment Speed From Arrival to Endovascular Thrombectomy in Patients With Ischemic Stroke: A Meta-analysis of Individual Patient Data From 7 Randomized Clinical Trials. Almekhlafi, MA ; Goyal, M ; Dippel, DWJ ; Majoie, CBLM ; Campbell, BCV ; Muir, KW & al JAMA Neurol 33938914
Neurologie, Neurosciences
- Heterozygous HTRA1 nonsense or frameshift mutations are pathogenic. Coste, T ; Hervé, D ; Neau, JP ; Jouvent, E ; Ba, F ; Bergametti, F & al Brain 34270682
Neurosciences, Psychiatrie
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- Patterns of genomic change in residual disease after neoadjuvant chemotherapy for estrogen receptor-positive and HER2-negative breast cancer. Chatzipli, A ; Bonnefoi, H ; MacGrogan, G ; Sentis, J ; Cameron, D ; Poncet, C & al Br J Cancer 34480095
- Diagnostic chest X-rays and breast cancer risk among women with a hereditary predisposition to breast cancer unexplained by a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation. Ribeiro Guerra, M ; Coignard, J ; Eon-Marchais, S ; Dondon, MG ; Le Gal, D ; Beauvallet, J & al Breast Cancer Res 34344426
- Cemiplimab for Locally Advanced and Metastatic Cutaneous Squamous-Cell Carcinomas: Real-Life Experience from the French CAREPI Study Group. Hober, C ; Fredeau, L ; Pham-Ledard, A ; Boubaya, M ; Herms, F ; Celerier, P & al Cancers (Basel) 34298764
- Proof of Concept of a Binary Blood Assay for Predicting Radiosensitivity. Deneuve, S ; Mirjolet, C ; Bastogne, T ; Duclos, M ; Retif, P ; Zrounba, P & al Cancers (Basel) 34069662
- A 50-Year-Old Man with Fulminant Alpha-Fetoprotein-Producing Gastric Carcinoma and Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation. Longo, R ; Carassou, P ; Leguay, C ; Basin, S ; Thiebaut, V ; Paraschiv, EA & al Am J Case Rep 33667215
- Gene- and pathway-level analyses of iCOGS variants highlight novel signaling pathways underlying familial breast cancer susceptibility. Lonjou, C ; Eon-Marchais, S ; Truong, T ; Dondon, MG ; Karimi, M ; Jiao, Y & al Int J Cancer 33368296
Oncologie, Hématologie
- Long-term outcome of imatinib 400 mg compared to imatinib 600 mg or imatinib 400 mg daily in combination with cytarabine or pegylated interferon alpha 2a for chronic myeloid leukaemia: results from the French SPIRIT phase III randomised trial. Guilhot, F ; Rigal-Huguet, F ; Guilhot, J ; Guerci-Bresler, AP ; Maloisel, F ; Rea, D & al Leukemia 33483613
- Lomustine is beneficial to older AML with ELN2017 adverse risk profile and intermediate karyotype: a FILO study. Largeaud, L ; Cornillet-Lefebvre, P ; Hamel, JF ; Dumas, PY ; Prade, N ; Dufrechou, S & al Leukemia 32943750
- Prognostic value of high-sensitivity measurable residual disease assessment after front-line chemoimmunotherapy in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Letestu, R ; Dahmani, A ; Boubaya, M ; Baseggio, L ; Campos, L ; Chatelain, B & al Leukemia 32934355
Oncologie, Radiologie, Médecine Nucléaire et Imagerie Médicale medecine nucleaire et imagerie médicale
- Prospective validation of stringent dose constraints for prostatic stereotactic radiation monotherapy: results of a single-arm phase II toxicity-oriented trial. Nguyen, P ; Harzée, L ; Retif, P ; Joseph, S ; Vogin, G ; Nickers, P Strahlenther Onkol 34424351
- Cranial organs at risk delineation: heterogenous practices in radiotherapy planning. Vogin, G ; Hettal, L ; Bartau, C ; Thariat, J ; Claeys, MV ; Peyraga, G & al Radiat Oncol 33541394
- Efficacy and safety of single-step transepithelial photorefractive keratectomy with the all-surface laser ablation SCHWIND platform without mitomycin-C for high myopia: A retrospective study of 69 eyes. Giral, JB ; Bloch, F ; Sot, M ; Zevering, Y ; El Nar, A ; Vermion, JC & al PLoS One 34874947
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- Risk factors for keratoconus progression after treatment by accelerated cross-linking (A-CXL): A prospective 24-month study. Sot, M ; Gan, G ; François, J ; Chaussard, D ; Da Costa, M ; Luc, MS & al J Fr Ophtalmol 34059330
- Spontaneous expulsion of intracorneal ring segment in pellucid marginal degeneration: A case report. Moskwa, R ; Rolland le Moal, P ; Sot, M ; Francois, J ; Vermion, JC ; Bloch, F & al J Fr Ophtalmol 33480847
- Evaluation of ostium size following endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy as a predictive factor of outcome: A prospective study. Bertaux, PJ ; Gan, G ; Hirtz, G ; Mouret, P ; El-Hachem, F ; Lhuillier, L & al J Fr Ophtalmol 33388192
- Spontaneous bilateral anterior crystalline lens dislocation. Lhuillier, L ; Chaussard, D ; Moskwa, R ; Malleron, V ; Giral, JB ; Pastor, G & al J Fr Ophtalmol 33358476
- Coronavirus Disease 2019-Associated Ocular Neuropathy With Panuveitis: A Case Report. François, J ; Collery, AS ; Hayek, G ; Sot, M ; Zaidi, M ; Lhuillier, L & al JAMA Ophthalmol 33331870
Orthopédie, Chirurgie
- Evaluation of Dorsal Scaphoid Displacement Using Posterior Radioscaphoid Angle in Patients With Suspected Scapholunate Instability: A Preliminary Study. Athlani, L ; Granero, J ; Rouizi, K ; Hossu, G ; Blum, A ; Dautel, G & al J Hand Surg Am 33191036
- Chronic use of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system blockers and mortality in COVID-19: A multicenter prospective cohort and literature review. Gault, N ; Esposito-Farèse, M ; Revest, M ; Inamo, J ; Cabié, A ; Polard, É & al Fundam Clin Pharmacol 33876439
- Dyskalemia: a management problem for students. Senninger, L ; Abensur Vuillaume, L ; Frimat, L ; Girerd, N ; Lamiral, Z ; Rossignol, P & al Fundam Clin Pharmacol 33098726
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- Prognostic factors of severe community-acquired staphylococcal pneumonia in France. Gillet, Y ; Tristan, A ; Rasigade, JP ; Saadatian-Elahi, M ; Bouchiat, C ; Bes, M & al Eur Respir J 33833037
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Radiologie, Médecine Nucléaire et Imagerie Médicale medecine nucleaire et imagerie médicale
- Innovative procedure for measuring left ventricular ejection fraction from <sup>18</sup>F-FDG first-pass ultra-sensitive digital PET/CT images: evaluation with an anthropomorphic heart phantom. Verrecchia-Ramos, E ; Morel, O ; Retif, P ; Ben Mahmoud, S EJNMMI Phys 34018067
- Whole-body MR imaging in suspected physical child abuse: comparison with skeletal survey and bone scintigraphy findings from the PEDIMA prospective multicentre study. Proisy, M ; Vivier, PH ; Morel, B ; Bruneau, B ; Sembely-Taveau, C ; Vacheresse, S & al Eur Radiol 33912993
- Technical Note: A 3D-printed phantom for radiochromic film evaluation of moving lung tumor SBRT without dose convolution. Retif, P ; Djibo Sidikou, A ; Letellier, R ; Verrecchia-Ramos, E ; Quetin, P Med Phys 33720419
- Correction to: End of life in the critically ill patient: evaluation of experience of end of life by caregivers (EOLE study). Ann Intensive Care 34964064
- Characteristics and prognosis of bloodstream infection in patients with COVID-19 admitted in the ICU: an ancillary study of the COVID-ICU study. Massart, N ; Maxime, V ; Fillatre, P ; Razazi, K ; Ferré, A ; Moine, P & al Ann Intensive Care 34952960
- Predicting 90-day survival of patients with COVID-19: Survival of Severely Ill COVID (SOSIC) scores. Schmidt, M ; Guidet, B ; Demoule, A ; Ponnaiah, M ; Fartoukh, M ; Puybasset, L & al Ann Intensive Care 34897559
- Benefits and risks of noninvasive oxygenation strategy in COVID-19: a multicenter, prospective cohort study (COVID-ICU) in 137 hospitals. Crit Care 34879857
- End of life in the critically ill patient: evaluation of experience of end of life by caregivers (EOLE study). Ann Intensive Care 34825996
- Correction to: Performance of the ROX index to predict intubation in immunocompromised patients receiving high-flow nasal cannula for acute respiratory failure. Lemiale, V ; Dumas, G ; Demoule, A ; Pène, F ; Kouatchet, A ; Bisbal, M & al Ann Intensive Care 34241716
- Mental health and stress among ICU healthcare professionals in France according to intensity of the COVID-19 epidemic. Laurent, A ; Fournier, A ; Lheureux, F ; Louis, G ; Nseir, S ; Jacq, G & al Ann Intensive Care 34089117
- Characteristics, management, and prognosis of elderly patients with COVID-19 admitted in the ICU during the first wave: insights from the COVID-ICU study : Prognosis of COVID-19 elderly critically ill patients in the ICU. Dres, M ; Hajage, D ; Lebbah, S ; Kimmoun, A ; Pham, T ; Béduneau, G & al Ann Intensive Care 33988767
- Necrotizing soft-tissue infections in pediatric intensive care: a prospective multicenter case-series study. Dauger, S ; Blondé, R ; Brissaud, O ; Marcoux, MO ; Angoulvant, F ; Levy, M Crit Care 33845883
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- Performance of the ROX index to predict intubation in immunocompromised patients receiving high-flow nasal cannula for acute respiratory failure. Lemiale, V ; Dumas, G ; Demoule, A ; Pène, F ; Kouatchet, A ; Bisbal, M & al Ann Intensive Care 33501590
- Clinical characteristics and day-90 outcomes of 4244 critically ill adults with COVID-19: a prospective cohort study. Intensive Care Med 33211135
- Prevalence, associated factors and outcomes of pressure injuries in adult intensive care unit patients: the DecubICUs study. Labeau, SO ; Afonso, E ; Benbenishty, J ; Blackwood, B ; Boulanger, C ; Brett, SJ & al Intensive Care Med 33034686
Réanimation, Pneumologie
- Rapid Improvement after Starting Elexacaftor-Tezacaftor-Ivacaftor in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis and Advanced Pulmonary Disease. Burgel, PR ; Durieu, I ; Chiron, R ; Ramel, S ; Danner-Boucher, I ; Prevotat, A & al Am J Respir Crit Care Med 33600738
Recherche médicale
- Humoral immunity to SARS-CoV-2 and seasonal coronaviruses in children and adults in north-eastern France. Woudenberg, T ; Pelleau, S ; Anna, F ; Attia, M ; Donnadieu, F ; Gravet, A & al EBioMedicine 34304047
- DADA2 diagnosed in adulthood versus childhood: A comparative study on 306 patients including a systematic literature review and 12 French cases. Fayand, A ; Chasset, F ; Boutboul, D ; Queyrel, V ; Tieulié, N ; Guichard, I & al Semin Arthritis Rheum 34571400
- Effect of patient-led cooperative follow-up by general practitioners and community pharmacists on osteoporosis treatment persistence. Poivret, D ; Goetz, C ; Zevering, Y ; Wilcke, C ; Noirez, V Int J Rheum Dis 34058072
- Patients and spouses coping with inflammatory arthritis: Impact of communication and spousal perceived social support and burden. Rat, AC ; Brignon, M ; Beauvais, C ; Beranger, M ; Boujut, E ; Cohen, JD & al Joint Bone Spine 33346107
Science et services en santé
- Iron deficiency in patients with cancer: a prospective cross-sectional study. Luporsi, E ; Turpin, A ; Massard, V ; Morin, S ; Chauffert, B ; Carnot, A & al BMJ Support Palliat Care 34330792
- A new hybrid record linkage process to make epidemiological databases interoperable: application to the GEMO and GENEPSO studies involving BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers. Jiao, Y ; Lesueur, F ; Azencott, CA ; Laurent, M ; Mebirouk, N ; Laborde, L & al BMC Med Res Methodol 34325649
Science et services en santé, Médecine Générale et Interne
- Prognostic Value of C-Reactive Protein to Lymphocyte Ratio (CLR) in Emergency Department Patients with SARS-CoV-2 Infection. Tonduangu, N ; Le Borgne, P ; Lefebvre, F ; Alame, K ; Bérard, L ; Gottwalles, Y & al J Pers Med 34945746
Science et services en santé, Santé publique et environnement, informatique médicale
- A Didactic Escape Game for Emergency Medicine Aimed at Learning to Work as a Team and Making Diagnoses: Methodology for Game Development. Abensur Vuillaume, L ; Laudren, G ; Bosio, A ; Thévenot, P ; Pelaccia, T ; Chauvin, A JMIR Serious Games 34463628
Urologie et Néphrologie
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- Predictive factors of urinary incontinence after holmium laser enucleation of the prostate: a multicentric evaluation. Houssin, V ; Olivier, J ; Brenier, M ; Pierache, A ; Laniado, M ; Mouton, M & al World J Urol 32219512

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Allergologie, Immunologie
- Oedème de Quincke et anaphylaxie, les items de la revue du praticien. Lefèvre, S ; Moumane, L ; Vaillant, A ; Beaudouin, É Rev Prat 33739704
- Description of two anaphylaxis phenotypes in children: The utility of a clustering analysis approach. Pouessel, G ; Dubus, JC ; Lejeune, S ; Béhal, H ; Noël, G ; Beaudouin, E & al Allergy 32306398
- Management of urticaria by French specialists compared to international guideline recommendations. Amsler, E ; Du Thanh, A ; Soria, A J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract 31945488
- Food-induced anaphylaxis in infancy compared to preschool age: A retrospective analysis. Pouessel, G ; Jean-Bart, C ; Deschildre, A ; Van der Brempt, X ; Tanno, LK ; Beaumont, P & al Clin Exp Allergy 31651059
- Diagnostic testing for penicillin allergy: A survey of practices and cost perceptions. Sousa-Pinto, B ; Blumenthal, KG ; Macy, E ; Bavbek, S ; Benić, MS ; Alves-Correia, M & al Allergy 31230367
- Effectiveness of Omalizumab in Severe Allergic Asthma and Nasal Polyposis: A Real-Life Study. Tiotiu, A ; Oster, JP ; Roux, PR ; Nguyen Thi, PL ; Peiffer, G ; Bonniaud, P & al J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol 30931917
- Anaphylaxis to Beluga caviar. Lefèvre, S ; Moumane, L ; Jacquenet, S ; Beaudouin, E Asian Pac J Allergy Immunol 30660175
- Epidemiology and outcome of patients admitted to intensive care after anaphylaxis in France: a retrospective multicentre study. Guerci, P ; Tacquard, C ; Chenard, L ; Millard, D ; Soufir, L ; Malinovsky, JM & al Br J Anaesth 32928517
Anesthésie, Réanimation
- Management of severe thermal burns in the acute phase in adults and children. Legrand, M ; Barraud, D ; Constant, I ; Devauchelle, P ; Donat, N ; Fontaine, M & al Anaesth Crit Care Pain Med 32147581
Biophysique, sciences environnementales, météorologie et sciences atmosphériques, Physiologie
- Spa therapy and burn scar treatment: a systematic review of the literature. Gravelier, C ; Kanny, G ; Adetu, S ; Goffinet, L Int J Biometeorol 32875343
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- Reduced Rivaroxaban Dose Versus Dual Antiplatelet Therapy After Left Atrial Appendage Closure: ADRIFT a Randomized Pilot Study. Duthoit, G ; Silvain, J ; Marijon, E ; Ducrocq, G ; Lepillier, A ; Frere, C & al Circ Cardiovasc Interv 32674675
- Implications of serial measurements of natriuretic peptides in heart failure: insights from BIOSTAT-CHF. Israr, MZ ; Salzano, A ; Yazaki, Y ; Voors, AA ; Ouwerkerk, W ; Anker, SD & al Eur J Heart Fail 32666670
- Hyperkalaemia and hypokalaemia outpatient management: a survey of 500 French general practitioners. Abensur Vuillaume, L ; Rossignol, P ; Lamiral, Z ; Girerd, N ; Boivin, JM ESC Heart Fail 32602236
- Routine CYP2C19 Genotyping to Adjust Thienopyridine Treatment After Primary PCI for STEMI: Results of the GIANT Study. Hulot, JS ; Chevalier, B ; Belle, L ; Cayla, G ; Khalife, K ; Funck, F & al JACC Cardiovasc Interv 32139220
Dentisterie et chirurgie orale
- Efficacy, tolerability, and safety of an innovative medical device for improving oral accessibility during oral examination in special-needs patients: A multicentric clinical trial. Mogenot, M ; Hein-Halbgewachs, L ; Goetz, C ; Ouamara, N ; Droz-Desprez, D ; Strazielle, C & al PLoS One 32986784
- Oral management in a patient with Gardner-Diamond Syndrome: A case report. Bellot, A ; Curien, R ; Derache, A ; Delaître, B ; Longo, R ; Zevering, Y & al Int J Surg Case Rep 32980710
- The European Association for Sports Dentistry, Academy for Sports Dentistry, European College of Sports and Exercise Physicians consensus statement on sports dentistry integration in sports medicine. Stamos, A ; Mills, S ; Malliaropoulos, N ; Cantamessa, S ; Dartevelle, JL ; Gündüz, E & al Dent Traumatol 32790959
Dentisterie et chirurgie orale, Oncologie
- Primary intraosseous carcinoma arising in dentigerous cyst: Case report. Marchal, A ; Gérard, É ; Curien, R ; Bourgeois, G Int J Surg Case Rep 33207425
- Good syndrome associated with lichen planus: a case report and review. Fatrez, B ; Cuny, JF ; Bursztejn, AC ; Schmutz, JL ; Moawad, S Eur J Dermatol 33459267
- Simultaneous response of cutaneous and lung squamous cell carcinoma with cemiplimab. Escobar, GF ; Granel-Brocard, F ; Schmutz, JL ; Cervantes, P ; Ben Mahmoud, S ; Bursztejn, AC Dermatol Ther 32614130
- Assessment of patient knowledge and completion of advance directives in oncodermatology. Melgar, E ; Escobar, GF ; Granel-Brocard, F ; Remen, T ; Marzouki-Zerouali, A ; Geoffrois, L & al Br J Dermatol 32473026
- Clinical and pathological dermatological features of deficiency of adenosine deaminase 2: A multicenter, retrospective, observational study. Chasset, F ; Fayand, A ; Moguelet, P ; Kouby, F ; Bonhomme, A ; Franck, N & al J Am Acad Dermatol 32283244
- [Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita with Brunsting-Perry type pemphigoid: Diagnostic and therapeutic difficulties]. Henry, J ; Bursztejn, AC ; Bonhomme, A ; Cuny, JF ; Mitcov, M ; Blanchard-Laumonnier, E & al Ann Dermatol Venereol 32245657
Dermatologie, mycologie
- Outcome and characteristics of invasive fungal infections in critically ill burn patients: A multicenter retrospective study. Maurel, V ; Denis, B ; Camby, M ; Jeanne, M ; Cornesse, A ; Glavnik, B & al Mycoses 32077536
Endocrinologie et métabolisme
- Ultrasound and cytological characteristics of non-invasive follicular thyroid neoplasm with papillary-like nuclear features compared to papillary carcinomas. Boursier, L ; Clerc Urmes, I ; Garon, J ; Klein, M ; Demarquet, L Ann Endocrinol (Paris) 32081363
- Should the GCM2 gene be tested when screening for familial primary hyperparathyroidism? Coppin, L ; Dufosse, M ; Romanet, P ; Giraud, S ; North, MO ; Cardot Bauters, C & al Eur J Endocrinol 31671402
Gastro-entérologie et Hépatologie
- Early evaluation using a radiomic signature of unresectable hepatic metastases to predict outcome in patients with colorectal cancer treated with FOLFIRI and bevacizumab. Dohan, A ; Gallix, B ; Guiu, B ; Le Malicot, K ; Reinhold, C ; Soyer, P & al Gut 31101691
Génétique et hérédité
- Next-generation sequencing in a series of 80 fetuses with complex cardiac malformations and/or heterotaxy. Liu, H ; Giguet-Valard, AG ; Simonet, T ; Szenker-Ravi, E ; Lambert, L ; Vincent-Delorme, C & al Hum Mutat 33131162
- TAR syndrome: Clinical and molecular characterization of a cohort of 26 patients and description of novel noncoding variants of RBM8A. Boussion, S ; Escande, F ; Jourdain, AS ; Smol, T ; Brunelle, P ; Duhamel, C & al Hum Mutat 32227665
Gériatrie et Gérontologie
- Emergency department outcome of elderly patients assisted by professional home services, the EPIGER study. Feral-Pierssens, AL ; Toury, G ; Sehimi, F ; Peschanski, N ; Laribi, S ; Carpentier, A & al BMC Geriatr 32957921
Gériatrie et gérontologie, Nutrition et diététique
- Ability of Emergency Department Physicians Using a Functional Autonomy-Assessing Version of the Triage Risk Screening Tool to Detect Frail Older Patients Who Require Mobile Geriatric Team Consultation. Piffer, I ; Goetz, C ; Zevering, Y ; André, E ; Bourouis, Z ; Blettner, N J Nutr Health Aging 32510117
- Predictive factors of axillary positive sentinel lymph node biopsy in extended ductal carcinoma in situ treated by simple mastectomy at once. Hotton, J ; Salleron, J ; Rauch, P ; Buhler, J ; Pierret, M ; Baumard, F & al J Gynecol Obstet Hum Reprod 31562936
- Labor induction in indicated moderate to late preterm birth. Bertholdt, C ; Morel, O ; Dap, M ; Choserot, M ; Minebois, H J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 29886774
- Bortezomib, thalidomide, and dexamethasone with or without daratumumab for transplantation-eligible patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma (CASSIOPEIA): health-related quality of life outcomes of a randomised, open-label, phase 3 trial. Roussel, M ; Moreau, P ; Hebraud, B ; Laribi, K ; Jaccard, A ; Dib, M & al Lancet Haematol 33242444
- Haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis associated with immune checkpoint inhibitors: a descriptive case study and literature review. Dupré, A ; Michot, JM ; Schoeffler, A ; Frumholtz, L ; Baroudjian, B ; Delyon, J & al Br J Haematol 32243578
- A prospective phase 2 trial of daratumumab in patients with previously treated systemic light-chain amyloidosis. Roussel, M ; Merlini, G ; Chevret, S ; Arnulf, B ; Stoppa, AM ; Perrot, A & al Blood 32108228
Immunologie, Maladies infectieuses, Microbiologie
- Infective Endocarditis Related to Unusual Microorganisms: A Prospective Population-Based Study. Limonta, S ; Cambau, E ; Erpelding, ML ; Piau-Couapel, C ; Goehringer, F ; Plésiat, P & al Open Forum Infect Dis 32420404
Maladie vasculaire périphérique
- Prognostic value of CEC count in HER2-negative metastatic breast cancer patients treated with bevacizumab and chemotherapy: a prospective validation study (UCBG COMET). Vasseur, A ; Cabel, L ; Tredan, O ; Chevrier, M ; Dubot, C ; Lorgis, V & al Angiogenesis 31773439
Maladies infectieuses
- Clinical feedback from experience with COVID-19: Specific considerations for extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Fiore, A ; de Roux, Q ; Daami, N ; Clariot, S ; Folliguet, T ; Taccone, FS & al J Infect 32579990
- Cerebral empyema and abscesses due to Cutibacterium acnes. Pietropaoli, C ; Cavalli, Z ; Jouanneau, E ; Tristan, A ; Conrad, A ; Ader, F & al Med Mal Infect 31668987
Maladies infectieuses, Microbiologie
- Antibiotic therapy in case of positive cultures of kidney transplant preservation fluid: a nationwide survey of prescribing practices. Le Berre, N ; Ladrière, M ; Corbel, A ; Remen, T ; Durin, L ; Frimat, L & al Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 31902015
- Microbiological epidemiology of preservation fluids in transplanted kidney: a nationwide retrospective observational study. Corbel, A ; Ladrière, M ; Le Berre, N ; Durin, L ; Rousseau, H ; Frimat, L & al Clin Microbiol Infect 31382016
Maladies infectieuses, Microbiologie, pharmacologie-pharmacie
- Surveillance of HIV-1 primary infections in France from 2014 to 2016: toward stable resistance, but higher diversity, clustering and virulence? Visseaux, B ; Assoumou, L ; Mahjoub, N ; Grude, M ; Trabaud, MA ; Raymond, S & al J Antimicrob Chemother 31641777
Médecine d'urgence
- Le paradoxe des services d’urgence. Schmutz, T ; Carron, PN ; Ribordy, V ; Braun, F Rev Med Suisse 33085264
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- Emergency medicine: we can be heroes, just for a few days. Freund, Y ; Barraud, D Eur J Emerg Med 32804694
- Nitrous oxide/oxygen plus acetaminophen versus morphine in ST elevation myocardial infarction: open-label, cluster-randomized, non-inferiority study. Charpentier, S ; Galinski, M ; Bounes, V ; Ricard-Hibon, A ; El-Khoury, C ; Elbaz, M & al Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 32398160
Médecine générale et interne
- Birth experience during COVID-19 confinement (CONFINE): protocol for a multicentre prospective study. Bertholdt, C ; Epstein, J ; Banasiak, C ; Ligier, F ; Dahlhoff, S ; Olieric, MF & al BMJ Open 33303470
- Pre-Hospital Management of Critically Ill Patients with SARS-CoV-2 Infection: A Retrospective Multicenter Study. Le Borgne, P ; Oberlin, M ; Bassand, A ; Abensur Vuillaume, L ; Gottwalles, Y ; Noizet, M & al J Clin Med 33233324
- Diagnostic performance of congestion score index evaluated from chest radiography for acute heart failure in the emergency department: A retrospective analysis from the PARADISE cohort. Kobayashi, M ; Douair, A ; Duarte, K ; Jaeger, D ; Giacomin, G ; Bassand, A & al PLoS Med 33175832
- Ticagrelor and Aspirin or Aspirin Alone in Acute Ischemic Stroke or TIA. Johnston, SC ; Amarenco, P ; Denison, H ; Evans, SR ; Himmelmann, A ; James, S & al N Engl J Med 32668111
- Liberal or Conservative Oxygen Therapy for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. Barrot, L ; Asfar, P ; Mauny, F ; Winiszewski, H ; Montini, F ; Badie, J & al N Engl J Med 32160661
- What Is Relatives'' Role in Arthritis Management? A Qualitative Study of the Perceptions of Patient-Relative Dyads. Untas, A ; Vioulac, C ; Boujut, E ; Delannoy, C ; Poivret, D ; Rat, AC & al Patient Prefer Adherence 32021116
- Ticagrelor Added to Aspirin in Acute Ischemic Stroke or Transient Ischemic Attack in Prevention of Disabling Stroke: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Amarenco, P ; Denison, H ; Evans, SR ; Himmelmann, A ; James, S ; Knutsson, M & al JAMA Neurol 33159526
Neurologie, Maladie vasculaire périphérique
- Ticagrelor Added to Aspirin in Acute Nonsevere Ischemic Stroke or Transient Ischemic Attack of Atherosclerotic Origin. Amarenco, P ; Denison, H ; Evans, SR ; Himmelmann, A ; James, S ; Knutsson, M & al Stroke 33198608
Neurologie, Psychiatrie, Chirurgie
- Long-term safety and effectiveness of natalizumab treatment in clinical practice: 10 years of real-world data from the Tysabri Observational Program (TOP). Butzkueven, H ; Kappos, L ; Wiendl, H ; Trojano, M ; Spelman, T ; Chang, I & al J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 32234967
- HER2-positive metastatic, parotid salivary duct carcinoma treated with a trastuzumab/pertuzumab-based chemotherapy: A case report. Longo, R ; Legros, PO ; Talbi, M ; Wagner, M ; Paraschiv, EA ; Campitiello, M & al Clin Case Rep 33363842
- Risk factors for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) severity and mortality among solid cancer patients and impact of the disease on anticancer treatment: A French nationwide cohort study (GCO-002 CACOVID-19). Lièvre, A ; Turpin, A ; Ray-Coquard, I ; Le Malicot, K ; Thariat, J ; Ahle, G & al Eur J Cancer 33129039
- Antileukemic activity of the VPS34-IN1 inhibitor in acute myeloid leukemia. Meunier, G ; Birsen, R ; Cazelles, C ; Belhadj, M ; Cantero-Aguilar, L ; Kosmider, O & al Oncogenesis 33093450
- Breast and Axillary Lymph Node Metastasis from Ovarian Cancer: A Case Report. Longo, R ; Bastien, C ; Campitiello, M ; Plastino, F ; Rozzi, A Am J Case Rep 32750046
- Bevacizumab and platinum-based combinations for recurrent ovarian cancer: a randomised, open-label, phase 3 trial. Pfisterer, J ; Shannon, CM ; Baumann, K ; Rau, J ; Harter, P ; Joly, F & al Lancet Oncol 32305099
- Risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy, natural menopause, and breast cancer risk: an international prospective cohort of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers. Mavaddat, N ; Antoniou, AC ; Mooij, TM ; Hooning, MJ ; Heemskerk-Gerritsen, BA ; Noguès, C & al Breast Cancer Res 31948486
- Renal Metastases from a Nasal Cavity Mixed Squamous Cell and Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma: A Case Report. Longo, R ; Jaud, C ; Gehin, W ; Hennequin, L ; Bastien, C ; Campitiello, M & al Am J Case Rep 31911575
- [Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment in young adults: Clinical characteristics and surgical outcomes]. Lakehal-Ayat, Y ; Angioi, K ; Berrod, JP ; Conart, JB J Fr Ophtalmol 32312595
- Safety and efficacy of a standardized intracameral combination of mydriatics and anesthetic for cataract surgery in type-2 diabetic patients. Labetoulle, M ; Behndig, A ; Tassignon, MJ ; Nuijts, R ; Mencucci, R ; Güell, JL & al BMC Ophthalmol 32126990
Orthopédie, Chirurgie
- Four-corner arthrodesis with a dorsal locking plate: 4-9-year follow-up. Athlani, L ; Sabau, S ; Pauchard, N ; Dap, F ; Dautel, G J Hand Surg Eur Vol 32536296
- Management and results in periprosthetic tibial fracture after total knee arthroplasty: Two-center 15-case retrospective series at 2 years'' follow-up. Bauer, C ; Zaharia, B ; Galliot, F ; Parot, J ; Houfani, F ; Mayer, J & al Orthop Traumatol Surg Res 32184065
- Optimizing DyNaChron instrument for assessing chronic nasal dysfunction symptoms by Rasch analysis. Rotonda, C ; Soudant, M ; Epstein, J ; Goetz, C ; Jankowski, R ; Guillemin, F Rhinology 31886475
Pédiatrie, Pneumologie
- Risk factors for nontuberculous mycobacterial isolation in patients with cystic fibrosis: A meta-analysis. Reynaud, Q ; Bricca, R ; Cavalli, Z ; Nove-Josserand, R ; Durupt, S ; Reix, P & al Pediatr Pulmonol 32603551
- Physicochemical stability of an admixture of lidocaine and ketamine in polypropylene syringe used in opioid-free anaesthesia. Beiler, B ; Barraud, D ; Vigneron, J ; Demoré, B Eur J Hosp Pharm 32296511
- [Shisha smoking: infatuation and harmfulness]. Peiffer, G ; Underner, M ; Perriot, J Rev Prat 33739660
- [Smoking cessation and lung cancer screening]. Peiffer, G ; Underner, M ; Perriot, J ; Ruppert, AM ; Tiotiu, A Rev Mal Respir 33129612
- Durant la crise du Covid-19. Underner, M ; Perriot, J ; Peiffer, G ; Jaafari, N Rev Mal Respir 33069503
- [Electronic cigarette use in patients with asthma]. Underner, M ; Perriot, J ; Peiffer, G ; Jaafari, N Rev Med Liege 32909414
- [COVID-19 and changes in smoking behavior]. Underner, M ; Perriot, J ; Peiffer, G ; Jaafari, N Rev Mal Respir 32883550
- [Spontaneous pneumomediastinum: A rare complication of COVID-19?]. Underner, M ; Peiffer, G ; Perriot, J ; Jaafari, N Rev Mal Respir 32675006
- [Asthma and cannabis, cocaine or heroin use]. Underner, M ; Peiffer, G ; Perriot, J ; Jaafari, N Rev Mal Respir 32653338
- [Asthma and COVID-19: a risk population?]. Underner, M ; Peiffer, G ; Perriot, J ; Jaafari, N Rev Mal Respir 32419737
- [Carbon monoxide poisoning in active or passive shisha smokers]. Underner, M ; Perriot, J ; Peiffer, G ; Dewitte, JD ; Jaafari, N Rev Mal Respir 32334968
- [Smoking and coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)]. Underner, M ; Peiffer, G ; Perriot, J ; Jaafari, N Rev Mal Respir 32331829
- [Diagnosis of allergy in asthma]. Doyen, V ; Casset, A ; Divaret-Chauveau, A ; Khayath, N ; Peiffer, G ; Bonniaud, P & al Rev Mal Respir 32057505
- Influence of deprivation on initial severity and prognosis of patients admitted to the ICU: the prospective, multicentre, observational IVOIRE cohort study. Quenot, JP ; Helms, J ; Labro, G ; Dargent, A ; Meunier-Beillard, N ; Ksiazek, E & al Ann Intensive Care 32048075
- [Strategy and stopping smoking interventions in smokers with tuberculosis]. Perriot, J ; Underner, M ; Peiffer, G ; Flaudias, V Rev Med Liege 32030934
- [Pulmonary complications in cocaine users]. Underner, M ; Peiffer, G ; Perriot, J ; Jaafari, N Rev Mal Respir 31883817
- Radiological evaluation of ulnar thumb metacarpophalangeal ligament reconstruction for chronic thumb instability in cadavers. Granero, J ; Athlani, L ; Dautel, G Hand Surg Rehabil 31874276
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- [Electronic cigarette use and asthma in adolescents]. Underner, M ; Perriot, J ; Peiffer, G ; Jaafari, N Rev Mal Respir 31864880
- [Acute eosinophilic pneumonia and illicit psychoactive substance use]. Underner, M ; Perriot, J ; Peiffer, G ; Urban, T ; Jaafari, N Rev Mal Respir 31862136
- Assessment of scapholunate instability with dynamic computed tomography. Athlani, L ; Rouizi, K ; Granero, J ; Hossu, G ; Blum, A ; Dautel, G & al J Hand Surg Eur Vol 31842675
Radiologie, Médecine Nucléaire et Imagerie Médicale medecine nucleaire et imagerie médicale
- Correction to: National dose reference levels in computed tomography-guided interventional procedures-a proposal. Greffier, J ; Ferretti, G ; Rousseau, J ; Andreani, O ; Alonso, E ; Rauch, A & al Eur Radiol 32500191
- Use of static and dynamic [ <sup>18</sup>F]-F-DOPA PET parameters for detecting patients with glioma recurrence or progression. Zaragori, T ; Ginet, M ; Marie, PY ; Roch, V ; Grignon, R ; Gauchotte, G & al EJNMMI Res 32472232
- National dose reference levels in computed tomography-guided interventional procedures-a proposal. Greffier, J ; Ferretti, G ; Rousseau, J ; Andreani, O ; Alonso, E ; Rauch, A & al Eur Radiol 32361774
- Integration of dynamic parameters in the analysis of <sup>18</sup>F-FDopa PET imaging improves the prediction of molecular features of gliomas. Ginet, M ; Zaragori, T ; Marie, PY ; Roch, V ; Gauchotte, G ; Rech, F & al Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 31529264
- Use, timing and factors associated with tracheal intubation in septic shock: a prospective multicentric observational study. Darreau, C ; Martino, F ; Saint-Martin, M ; Jacquier, S ; Hamel, JF ; Nay, MA & al Ann Intensive Care 32449053
- Nationwide survey on training and device utilization during tracheal intubation in French intensive care units. Martin, M ; Decamps, P ; Seguin, A ; Garret, C ; Crosby, L ; Zambon, O & al Ann Intensive Care 31900637
Recherche médicale
- Transcriptional frameshifts contribute to protein allergenicity. Thouvenot, B ; Roitel, O ; Tomasina, J ; Hilselberger, B ; Richard, C ; Jacquenet, S & al J Clin Invest 32634131
- The I-MICRO trial, Ilomedin for treatment of septic shock with persistent microperfusion defects: a double-blind, randomized controlled trial-study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Legrand, M ; Oufella, HA ; De Backer, D ; Duranteau, J ; Leone, M ; Levy, B & al Trials 32611377
- Efficacy and safety of aerosolized intra-tracheal dornase alfa administration in patients with SARS-CoV-2-induced acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS): a structured summary of a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Desilles, JP ; Gregoire, C ; Le Cossec, C ; Lambert, J ; Mophawe, O ; Losser, MR & al Trials 32560746
- Protocol for TRAUMADORNASE: a prospective, randomized, multicentre, double-blinded, placebo-controlled clinical trial of aerosolized dornase alfa to reduce the incidence of moderate-to-severe hypoxaemia in ventilated trauma patients. Pottecher, J ; Noll, E ; Borel, M ; Audibert, G ; Gette, S ; Meyer, C & al Trials 32183886
Recherche médicale, oto-rhino-laryngologie
- Respiratory Epithelial Adenomatoid Hamartoma is Frequent in Olfactory Cleft After Nasalization. Nguyen, DT ; Jankowski, R ; Bey, A ; Gauchotte, G ; Casse, JM ; Gondim Teixeira, PA & al Laryngoscope 31487047
Science et services en santé, Santé publique et environnement
- Patients and relatives coping with inflammatory arthritis: Care teamwork. Brignon, M ; Vioulac, C ; Boujut, E ; Delannoy, C ; Beauvais, C ; Kivits, J & al Health Expect 31774612
Sciences multidisciplinaires
- Hypokalemia is frequent and has prognostic implications in stable patients attending the emergency department. Abensur Vuillaume, L ; Ferreira, JP ; Asseray, N ; Trombert-Paviot, B ; Montassier, E ; Legrand, M & al PLoS One 32750075
Urologie et Néphrologie
- Low incidence of SARS-CoV-2, risk factors of mortality and the course of illness in the French national cohort of dialysis patients. Couchoud, C ; Bayer, F ; Ayav, C ; Béchade, C ; Brunet, P ; Chantrel, F & al Kidney Int 32858081
- Intraoperative nasogastric tube during colorectal surgery may not be mandatory: a propensity score analysis of a prospective database. Venara, A ; Hamel, JF ; Cotte, E ; Meillat, H ; Sage, PY ; Slim, K Surg Endosc 31932940
- Long-term outcomes of robotic ventral mesh rectopexy for external rectal prolapse. Postillon, A ; Perrenot, C ; Germain, A ; Scherrer, ML ; Buisset, C ; Brunaud, L & al Surg Endosc 31183789
- Current challenges and future needs of clinical and endoscopic training in gastroenterology: a European survey. Maida, M ; Alrubaiy, L ; Bokun, T ; Bruns, T ; Castro, V ; China, L & al Endosc Int Open 32258375

- Why stopping smoking is difficult in patients suffering from schizophrenia? How better to take care of them ? Underner, M ; Perriot, J ; Peiffer, G ; Harika-Germaneau, G ; Jaafari, N, PMID 30680970
- Evaluating the management of anaphylaxis in emergency departments: a survey in two French regions. Lefèvre, S ; Klein, R ; De Blay, F ; Mertes, PM, PMID 30832469
Biochimie / Radiologie, Médecine Nucléaire et Imagerie Médicale medecine nucleaire et imagerie médicale
- Source separation approach for the analysis of spatially resolved multiply excited autofluorescence spectra during optical clearing of <i>ex vivo</i> skin. Rakotomanga, P ; Soussen, C ; Khairallah, G ; Amouroux, M ; Zaytsev, S ; Genina, E & al, PMID 31467786
Biophysique/ Biologie
- Radiation-Induced Mitotic Catastrophe Enhanced by Gold Nanoparticles: Assessment with a Specific Automated Image Processing Workflow. Paquot, H ; Daouk, J ; Chateau, A ; Rétif, P ; Barberi-Heyob, M ; Pinela, S, PMID 31021734
- International longitudinal registry of patients with atrial fibrillation and treated with rivaroxaban: RIVaroxaban Evaluation in Real life setting (RIVER). Beyer-Westendorf, J ; Camm, AJ ; Fox, KAA ; Le Heuzey, JY ; Haas, S ; Turpie, AGG & al, PMID 31169831
- Exclusion of Intra-Atrial Thrombus Diagnosis Using D-Dimer Assay Before Catheter Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation. Milhem, A ; Ingrand, P ; Tréguer, F ; Cesari, O ; Da Costa, A ; Pavin, D & al, PMID 30784695
- Association of the PHACTR1/EDN1 Genetic Locus With Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection. Adlam, D ; Olson, TM ; Combaret, N ; Kovacic, JC ; Iismaa, SE ; Al-Hussaini, A & al, PMID 30621952
Cardiologie / Radiologie, Médecine Nucléaire et Imagerie Médicale
- Compared vulnerabilities to small cardiac motions between different cameras used for myocardial perfusion imaging. Salvadori, J ; Petegnief, Y ; Sabbah, R ; Morel, O ; Boulahdour, H ; Karcher, G & al, PMID 29327252
Chirurgie / Imagerie Cérébrale
- eTICI reperfusion: defining success in endovascular stroke therapy. Liebeskind, DS ; Bracard, S ; Guillemin, F ; Jahan, R ; Jovin, TG ; Majoie, CB & al, PMID 30194109
Dentisterie et chirurgie orale
- Paracetamol Misuse and Dental Pain: Results from the French Observational DAntaLor Study. Pape, E ; Collin, C ; Camelot, F ; Javot, L ; Petitpain, N ; Puskarczyk, E & al, PMID 30703177
- [Characteristics of chronic wounds in substance abuse: A retrospective study of 58 patients]. Martin, H ; Bursztejn, AC ; Albuisson, E ; Leguern, A ; Mahe, E ; Villemur, B & al, PMID 31648848
- Effectiveness and safety of dupilumab for the treatment of atopic dermatitis in a real-life French multicenter adult cohort. Faiz, S ; Giovannelli, J ; Podevin, C ; Jachiet, M ; Bouaziz, JD ; Reguiai, Z & al, PMID 30825533
- [Self-inflicted lesions in the context of hidradenitis suppurativa: Pathomimicry]. Marzouki-Zerouali, A ; Schoeffler, A ; Liegeon, AL ; Le Vaou, P ; Truchetet, F, PMID 30361163
- Thymic localization of erythrodermic cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. Bonnet, P ; Battistella, M ; Bouaziz, JD ; Ram-Wolff, C ; Frumholtz, L ; Herms, F & al, PMID 30339741
- [Cutaneous metastases on the extremities]. Martin, H ; Mariano-Bourin, M ; Antunes, L ; Bonhomme, A ; Cuny, JF ; Dubouis, L & al, PMID 30314638
Endocrinologie et métabolisme
- Understanding Patients'' Perspectives and Educational Needs by Type of Osteoporosis in Men and Women and People with Glucocorticosteroid-Induced Osteoporosis: A Qualitative Study to Improve Disease Management. Beauvais, C ; Poivret, D ; Lespessailles, E ; Thevenot, C ; Aubraye, D ; Euller Ziegler, L & al, PMID 31506706
Génétique et hérédité / Oncologie
- Clinical and pathologic characteristics of breast cancer patients carrying the c.3481_3491del11 mutation. El Tannouri, R ; Albuisson, E ; Jonveaux, P ; Luporsi, E, PMID 29550896
- [Perineal risk and obstetrical protection: A survey with birth professionals]. Bertholdt, C ; Poujois, J ; Pouypoudat, L ; Gisbert, S ; Morel, O, PMID 31003014
- BAM conditioning before autologous transplantation for lymphoma: a study on behalf of the Francophone Society of Bone Marrow Transplantation and Cellular Therapy (SFGM-TC). Cornillon, J ; Daguenet, E ; Bay, JO ; Chauchet, A ; Salles, G ; Contentin, N & al, PMID 31111177
- A phase 2 study of rituximab, bendamustine, bortezomib and dexamethasone for first-line treatment of older patients with mantle cell lymphoma. Gressin, R ; Daguindau, N ; Tempescul, A ; Moreau, A ; Carras, S ; Tchernonog, E & al, PMID 30171024
Hématologie / Oncologie
- Exome sequencing identifies germline variants in DIS3 in familial multiple myeloma. Pertesi, M ; Vallée, M ; Wei, X ; Revuelta, MV ; Galia, P ; Demangel, D & al, PMID 30967618
- Anti-PLA2R1 Antibodies Containing Sera Induce In Vitro Cytotoxicity Mediated by Complement Activation. Lateb, M ; Ouahmi, H ; Payré, C ; Brglez, V ; Zorzi, K ; Dolla, G & al, PMID 32083137
- Neutralizing Anti-Rituximab Antibodies and Relapse in Membranous Nephropathy Treated With Rituximab. Boyer-Suavet, S ; Andreani, M ; Lateb, M ; Savenkoff, B ; Brglez, V ; Benzaken, S & al, PMID 31998325
- Deletion of chr7p22 and chr15q11: Two Familial Cases of Immune Deficiency: Extending the Phenotype Toward Dysimmunity. Sloboda, N ; Sorlin, A ; Valduga, M ; Beri-Dexheimer, M ; Bilbault, C ; Fouyssac, F & al, PMID 31474980
Immunologie / Allergologie
- Food-related anaphylaxis fatalities: Analysis of the Allergy Vigilance Network <sup>®</sup> database. Pouessel, G ; Beaudouin, E ; Tanno, LK ; Drouet, M ; Deschildre, A ; Labreuche, J & al, PMID 30636053
- Epidemiological Data on Anaphylaxis in French Emergency Departments. Corriger, J ; Beaudouin, E ; Rothmann, R ; Penven, E ; Haumonte, Q ; Thomas, H & al, PMID 30411700
Laboratoire Médical
- How should we diagnose and treat blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm patients? Garnache-Ottou, F ; Vidal, C ; Biichlé, S ; Renosi, F ; Poret, E ; Pagadoy, M & al, PMID 31869411
- A novel machine learning-derived decision tree including uPA/PAI-1 for breast cancer care. Reix, N ; Lodi, M ; Jankowski, S ; Molière, S ; Luporsi, E ; Leblanc, S & al, PMID 30838840
Laboratoire Médical / Recherche Médicale
- Accreditation of the toxicological screening: recommendations of the SFBC-SFTA group. Guitton, J ; Gaulier, JM ; Citterio-Quentin, A ; Abe, E ; Allibé, N ; Bartoli, M & al, PMID 30998200
Maladies infectieuses
- Safety and efficacy of the combination simeprevir-sofosbuvir in HCV genotype 1- and 4-mono-infected patients from the French ANRS CO22 hepather cohort. Laurain, A ; Metivier, S ; Haour, G ; Larrey, D ; Dorival, C ; Hezode, C & al, PMID 30940090
- Efficacy and tolerability of a cocktail of bacteriophages to treat burn wounds infected by Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PhagoBurn): a randomised, controlled, double-blind phase 1/2 trial. Jault, P ; Leclerc, T ; Jennes, S ; Pirnay, JP ; Que, YA ; Resch, G & al, PMID 30292481
Maladies infectieuses / Pharmacologie
- Discontinuation of antimicrobial therapy in adult neutropenic haematology patients: A prospective cohort. Van de Wyngaert, Z ; Berthon, C ; Debarri, H ; Bories, C ; Bonnet, S ; Nudel, M & al, PMID 30831232
- Stable prevalence of transmitted drug resistance mutations and increased circulation of non-B subtypes in antiretroviral-naive chronically HIV-infected patients in 2015/2016 in France. Assoumou, L ; Bocket, L ; Pallier, C ; Grude, M ; Ait-Namane, R ; Izopet, J & al, PMID 30753724
Médecine Générale et Interne
- Assessment of uteroplacental vascularisation in early first-trimester pregnancy with contrast-enhanced ultrasound and 3D power Doppler angiography: protocol for a prospective, cross-sectional, multicentre and non-randomised open study (\"HOPE Study\"). Bertholdt, C ; Eszto, ML ; Tournier, M ; Hossu, G ; Mellouki, N ; Cherifi, A & al, PMID 31511289
- Angioedema associated with thrombolysis for ischemic stroke: analysis of a case-control study. Vigneron, C ; Lécluse, A ; Ronzière, T ; Bouillet, L ; Boccon-Gibod, I ; Gayet, S & al, PMID 31319000
- 6 months versus 12 months of adjuvant trastuzumab in early breast cancer (PHARE): final analysis of a multicentre, open-label, phase 3 randomised trial. Pivot, X ; Romieu, G ; Debled, M ; Pierga, JY ; Kerbrat, P ; Bachelot, T & al, PMID 31178155
- Intensity of care delivered by prehospital emergency medical service physicians to patients with deliberate self-poisoning: results from a 2-day cross-sectional study in France. Maignan, M ; Viglino, D ; Collomb Muret, R ; Vejux, N ; Wiel, E ; Jacquin, L & al, PMID 31104303
- Dabigatran for Prevention of Stroke after Embolic Stroke of Undetermined Source. Diener, HC ; Sacco, RL ; Easton, JD ; Granger, CB ; Bernstein, RA ; Uchiyama, S & al, PMID 31091372
- Global Burden Related to Nitrous Oxide Exposure in Medical and Recreational Settings: A Systematic Review and Individual Patient Data Meta-Analysis. Oussalah, A ; Julien, M ; Levy, J ; Hajjar, O ; Franczak, C ; Stephan, C & al? PMID 31018613
- [Influence of post-traumatic stress disorder on asthma]. Underner, M ; Goutaudier, N ; Peiffer, G ; Perriot, J ; Harika-Germaneau, G ; Jaafari, N, PMID 31005500
- Diagnostic biologique des angioedèmes bradykiniques : les recommandations du CREAK. Bouillet, L ; Defendi, F ; Hardy, G ; Cesbron, JY ; Boccon-Gibod, I ; Deroux, A & al, PMID 30416009
- Immunization and multiple sclerosis: Recommendations from the French Multiple Sclerosis Society. Lebrun, C ; Vukusic, S, PMID 31036391
- Penumbral imaging and functional outcome in patients with anterior circulation ischaemic stroke treated with endovascular thrombectomy versus medical therapy: a meta-analysis of individual patient-level data. Campbell, BCV ; Majoie, CBLM ; Albers, GW ; Menon, BK ; Yassi, N ; Sharma, G & al, PMID 30413385
Neurologie / Oncologie
- A paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis from an anorectal small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma: a case report. Longo, R ; Wagner, M ; Savenkoff, B ; de Castaing, MC ; Desiro, G ; Tubail, Z & al, PMID 31783737
- Actionability of HER2-amplified circulating tumor cells in HER2-negative metastatic breast cancer: the CirCe T-DM1 trial. PMID 31727113
- Sustained Progression-Free Survival Benefit of Rituximab Maintenance in Patients With Follicular Lymphoma: Long-Term Results of the PRIMA Study. Bachy, E ; Seymour, JF ; Feugier, P ; Offner, F ; López-Guillermo, A ; Belada, D & al, PMID 31339826
- Carfilzomib Weekly plus Melphalan and Prednisone in Newly Diagnosed Transplant-Ineligible Multiple Myeloma (IFM 2012-03): A Phase I Trial. Leleu, X ; Fouquet, G ; Richez, V ; Guidez, S ; Duhamel, A ; Machuron, F & al, PMID 31053600
- Familial breast cancer and DNA repair genes: Insights into known and novel susceptibility genes from the GENESIS study, and implications for multigene panel testing. Girard, E ; Eon-Marchais, S ; Olaso, R ; Renault, AL ; Damiola, F ; Dondon, MG & al, PMID 30303537
- Secondary Corneal Myxoma After DMEK (Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty). Chaussard, D ; Frouin, E ; Francois, J ; Sot, M ; Paraschiv, EA ; Perone, JM, PMID 31511491
- A Case of Conjunctival Bee Sting Injury with Review of the Literature on Ocular Bee Stings. Semler-Collery, A ; Hayek, G ; Ramadier, S ; Perone, JM, PMID 31471535
- Does Preoperative or Postoperative Graft Thickness Influence Postoperative Visual Acuity in Descemet Stripping Automated Endothelial Keratoplasty for Advanced Pseudophakic Bullous Keratopathy? Perone, JM ; Rolland Le Moal, P ; Sot, M ; Bloch, F ; Maleki, A ; Goetz, C & al, PMID 31436644
- Bilateral acute iris transillumination (BAIT) syndrome: literature review. Perone, JM ; Chaussard, D ; Hayek, G, PMID 31239635
- Reconstruction of exenteration socket with Integra <sup>®</sup> dermal substitute and skin graft. Ameloot, F ; Mezzine, H ; Khairallah, G ; Hayek, G ; Zaidi, M ; Lhuillier, L & al, PMID 31208910
- Tobacco smoking in crosslinked keratoconus patients. Hayek, G ; Luc, MS ; Bloch, F ; Vermion, JC ; Lhuillier, L ; Zaidi, M & al, PMID 31204085
- Rupture of two radial keratotomy incisions 20 years later during clear corneal cataract surgery: A case report. Sot, M ; Da Costa, M ; Baudot, A ; Vermion, JC ; Chaussard, D ; Bloch, F & al, PMID 31200982
- Supracapsular phacoemulsification: Description of the \"Garde à vous\" technique and comparative clinical results. Perone, JM ; Goetz, C ; Zaidi, M ; Lhuillier, L, PMID 31097313
- Management of large central Descemet membrane detachment (DMD) after cataract surgery: Case report and literature review. Francois, J ; Vermion, JC ; Hayek, G ; Semler Collery, A ; Chaussard, D ; Bloch, F & al, PMID 31029471
Orthopédie / Chirurgie
- Avascular necrosis of the capitate: case series of five patients and review of literature. Athlani, L ; Granero, J ; Dap, F ; Dautel, G, PMID 31142182
Orthopédie / Rhumatologie
- Hyaluronan derivative HYMOVIS® increases cartilage volume and type ii collagen turnover in osteoarhritic knee: data from MOKHA study. Henrotin, Y ; Bannuru, R ; Malaise, M ; Ea, HK ; Confavreux, C ; Bentin, J & al, PMID 31215422
- Use of a navigation system in endonasal surgery: Impact on surgical strategy and surgeon satisfaction. A prospective multicenter study. Vicaut, E ; Bertrand, B ; Betton, JL ; Bizon, A ; Briche, D ; Castillo, L & al, PMID 31474545
Oto-rhino-laryngologie / Recherche médicale
- Respiratory Epithelial Adenomatoid Hamartoma is Frequent in Olfactory Cleft After Nasalization. Nguyen, DT ; Jankowski, R ; Bey, A ; Gauchotte, G ; Casse, JM ; Gondim Teixeira, PA & al, PMID 31487047
- Can anatomical assessment of hypopharyngolarynx in awake patients predict obstructive sleep apnea? Bolzer, A ; Toussaint, B ; Rumeau, C ; Gallet, P ; Jankowski, R ; Nguyen, DT, PMID 30720214
- Social representations of mandatory vaccination in patients and general practitioners in Moselle, France. Myotte-Duquet, P ; Charissou, A, PMID 31694781
Pédiatrie / Allergologie / Immunologie
- Gaps in the management of food-induced anaphylaxis reactions at school. Pouessel, G ; Dumond, P ; Liabeuf, V ; Kase Tanno, L ; Deschildre, A ; Beaumont, P & al, PMID 31172595
- Pre-hospital management of paediatric anaphylaxis by French Emergency Medicine physicians: Still to be improved. Lejeune, S ; Deschildre, A ; Beaudouin, E ; Labreuche, J ; Meininger, C ; Lefort, H & al, PMID 31034111
Pharmacologie-pharmacie / Recherche médicale
- Effect of fluid balance control in critically ill patients: Design of the stepped wedge trial POINCARE-2. Agrinier, N ; Monnier, A ; Argaud, L ; Bemer, M ; Virion, JM ; Alleyrat, C & al, PMID 31260794
- [From reducing tobacco consumption to stopping completely, what accompaniment?] Underner, M ; Perriot, J ; Peiffer, G, PMID 31870480
- [Asthma and cocaine use]. Underner, M ; Perriot, J ; Peiffer, G ; Jaafari, N, PMID 31201016
Psychiatrie / Neurosciences
- [Stopping and reducing smoking in patients with schizophrenia]. Underner, M ; Perriot, J ; Brousse, G ; de Chazeron, I ; Schmitt, A ; Peiffer, G & al, PMID 31153585
- [Why stopping smoking is difficult in patients suffering from schizophrenia? How better to take care of them?] Underner, M ; Perriot, J ; Peiffer, G ; Harika-Germaneau, G ; Jaafari, N, PMID 30680970
Radiologie, Médecine Nucléaire et imagerie médicale/Cardiologie
- Left ventricular ejection fraction determined with the simulation of a very low-dose CZT-SPECT protocol and an additional count-calibration on planar radionuclide angiographic data. Tissot, H ; Roch, V ; Morel, O ; Veran, N ; Perrin, M ; Claudin, M & al, PMID 30815836
- Association between hydroxocobalamin administration and acute kidney injury after smoke inhalation: a multicenter retrospective study. Dépret, F ; Hoffmann, C ; Daoud, L ; Thieffry, C ; Monplaisir, L ; Creveaux, J & al, PMID 31870461
- Outcomes of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia hospital-acquired pneumonia in intensive care unit: a nationwide retrospective study. Guerci, P ; Bellut, H ; Mokhtari, M ; Gaudefroy, J ; Mongardon, N ; Charpentier, C & al, PMID 31752976
- Center effect in intubation risk in critically ill immunocompromised patients with acute hypoxemic respiratory failure. Dumas, G ; Demoule, A ; Mokart, D ; Lemiale, V ; Nseir, S ; Argaud, L & al, PMID 31492179
- Correction to: Hypoxemia in the ICU: prevalence, treatment, and outcome. PMID 30666519
- Disseminated intravascular coagulation in pneumococcemia. Gaci, R ; Cadoz, C ; Barraud, D ; Louis, G, PMID 30128587
Recherche médicale
- The Artificial Kidney Initiation in Kidney Injury 2 (AKIKI2): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Gaudry, S ; Hajage, D ; Martin-Lefevre, L ; Louis, G ; Moschietto, S ; Titeca-Beauport, D & al, PMID 31843007
- Essential knowledge for patients with rheumatoid arthritis or spondyloarthritis: Results of a multicentric survey in France among health professionals and patients. Beauvais, C ; Rodère, M ; Pereira, B ; Legoupil, N ; Piperno, M ; Pallot Prades, B & al, PMID 31228620
- Performance of <sup>18</sup>F-sodium fluoride positron emission tomography with computed tomography to assess inflammatory and structural sacroiliitis on magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography, respectively, in axial spondyloarthritis. Raynal, M ; Bouderraoui, F ; Ouichka, R ; Melchior, J ; Morel, O ; Blum, A & al, PMID 31088514
- Performance of 18F-sodium fluoride positron emission tomography with computed tomography to assess inflammatory and structural sacroiliitis on magnetic resonance imaging in axial spondyloarthritis. Ouichka, R ; Bouderraoui, F ; Raynal, M ; Melchior, J ; Morel, O ; Blum, A & al, PMID 30620270
Santé publique et environnement
- Psychological and social determinants of physical activity from diagnosis to remission among French cancer patients (PERTINENCE): protocol for a mixed-method study. Van Hoye, A ; Omorou, Y ; Rotonda, C ; Gendarme, S ; Tarquinio, C ; Houtmann, B & al, PMID 31387577
- [Determinants of time required by medical information technicians for quality control of hospital activity coding, in French medico-administrative system]. Collonnaz, M ; Bethune, B ; Weisslinger, C ; Faulon, M ; Fiore, P ; Goetz, C, PMID 31196581
Soins / Ethique
- An assessment of advance relatives approach for brain death organ donation. Michaut, C ; Baumann, A ; Gregoire, H ; Laviale, C ; Audibert, G ; Ducrocq, X, PMID 28643577
Urologie et Néphrologie
- [Renal hemosiderosis following mechanical hemolysis: An original case report]. Zettl, J ; Mirgaine, P ; Aymard, B ; Valla, M ; Rahmati, M ; Tubail, Z & al, PMID 30808555
- Do patients have to choose between ejaculation and miction? A systematic review about ejaculation preservation technics for benign prostatic obstruction surgical treatment. Lebdai, S ; Chevrot, A ; Doizi, S ; Pradere, B ; Delongchamps, NB ; Benchikh, A & al, PMID 29967947

- Is a specific eyelid patch test series useful? Results of a French prospective study, Assier, H ; Tetart, F ; Avenel-Audran, M ; Barbaud, A ; Ferrier-le Bouëdec, MC ; Giordano-Labadie, F & al, Contact Dermatitis, PMID: 29882592.
- Food-induced fatal anaphylaxis: From epidemiological data to general prevention strategies, Guillaume Pouessel, Paul J Turner, Margitta Worm, Victòria Cardona, Antoine Deschildre, Etienne Beaudouin, Jean-Marie Renaudin, Pascal Demoly, Luciana K Tanno, PMID 30288817
- Early hypertension after vasopressor weaning during septic shock: associated factors and prognostic significance,Gaci, R ; Lemarie, J ; Conrad, M ; Cravoisy, A ; Bollaert, PE ; Gibot, S, Minerva Anestesiol, PMID: 28726362.
Biochimie et Biologie moléculaire
- A decision tree for the genetic diagnosis of deficiency of adenosine deaminase 2 (DADA2): a French reference centres experience, Rama, M ; Duflos, C ; Melki, I ; Bessis, D ; Bonhomme, A ; Martin, H & al, Eur J Hum Genet, PMID: 29681619.
Cancer du sein
- The Influence of Number and Timing of Pregnancies on Breast Cancer Risk for Women With <i>BRCA1</i> or <i>BRCA2</i> Mutations. Terry, MB ; Liao, Y ; Kast, K ; Antoniou, AC ; McDonald, JA ; Mooij, TM & al? PMID 30873510
Cancer de la prostate
- Anticancer Activity and Tolerance of Treatments Received Beyond Progression in Men Treated Upfront with Androgen Deprivation Therapy With or Without Docetaxel for Metastatic Castration-naïve Prostate Cancer in the GETUG-AFU 15 Phase 3 Trial. Lavaud, P ; Gravis, G ; Foulon, S ; Joly, F ; Oudard, S ; Priou, F & al, PMID 29074061
Cancer du pancréa
- FOLFIRINOX or Gemcitabine as Adjuvant Therapy for Pancreatic Cancer. Conroy, T ; Hammel, P ; Hebbar, M ; Ben Abdelghani, M ; Wei, AC ; Raoul, JL & al, PMID 30575490
Cancer colorectal
- Overweight is associated to a better prognosis in metastatic colorectal cancer: A pooled analysis of FFCD trials. Aparicio, T ; Ducreux, M ; Faroux, R ; Barbier, E ; Manfredi, S ; Lecomte, T & al, PMID 29807237
- Post-Thrombolysis Recanalization in Stroke Referrals for Thrombectomy: Incidence, Predictors, and Prediction Scores. Seners, P ; Turc, G ; Naggara, O ; Henon, H ; Piotin, M ; Arquizan, C & al, PMID 30730694
- One-Year Survival After ST-Segment-Elevation Myocardial Infarction in Relation With Prehospital Administration of Dual Antiplatelet Therapy, Danchin, N ; Puymirat, E ; Cayla, G ; Cottin, Y ; Coste, P ; Gilard, M & al, Circ Cardiovasc Interv, PMID: 30354592.
- Epinephrine Versus Norepinephrine for Cardiogenic Shock After Acute Myocardial Infarction, Levy, B ; Clere-Jehl, R ; Legras, A ; Morichau-Beauchant, T ; Leone, M ; Frederique, G & al, J Am Coll Cardiol, PMID: 29976291.
- Integrative Assessment of Congestion in Heart Failure Throughout the Patient Journey, Girerd, N ; Seronde, MF ; Coiro, S ; Chouihed, T ; Bilbault, P ; Braun, F & al, JACC Heart Fail, PMID: 29226815.
- Pupil dilation dynamics with an intracameral fixed combination of mydriatics and anesthetic during cataract surgery, Chiambaretta, F ; Pleyer, U ; Behndig, A ; Pisella, PJ ; Mertens, E ; Limao, A & al, J Cataract Refract Surg, PMID: 29703287.
- Comorbidities of pyoderma gangrenosum: a retrospective multicentric analysis of 126 patients, M Gillard, D Anuset, H Maillard, P Senet, J F Cuny, E Mahe, C Sin, F Dessiner, E Goujon, J Journet-Tollhupp, C Debure, F Dabouz, T Develter, P Bernard, C Lok, P Modiano, Members of the Groupe d'Angiodermatologie de la SFD (the Angiodermatological Group of the French Society of Dermatology) , PMID 29453858
- Chronic leg ulcer revealing adenosine deaminase 2 deficiency: an atypical presentation, Martin, H ; Bursztejn, AC ; Cuny, JF ; Sarrabay, G ; Schmutz, JL ; Touitou, I & al, Eur J Dermatol, PMID: 30514670.
- [Rare presentations of infantile hemangiomas: 4 cases], Babic, V ; Schoeffler, A ; Moawad, S ; Mainard, L ; Schmutz, JL ; Bursztejn, AC, Ann Dermatol Venereol, PMID: 30415930.
- [Self-inflicted lesions in the context of hidradenitis suppurativa: Pathomimicry], Marzouki-Zerouali, A ; Schoeffler, A ; Liegeon, AL ; Le Vaou, P ; Truchetet, F, Ann Dermatol Venereol, PMID: 30361163.
- [Cutaneous metastases on the extremities], Martin, H ; Mariano-Bourin, M ; Antunes, L ; Bonhomme, A ; Cuny, JF ; Dubouis, L & al, Ann Dermatol Venereol, PMID: 30314638.
- Silver absorption and toxicity evaluation of silver wound dressings in 40 patients with chronic wounds, Brouillard, C ; Bursztejn, AC ; Latarche, C ; Cuny, JF ; Truchetet, F ; Goullé, JP & al, J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol, PMID: 29730878.
- [Extra-facial Lever granuloma on a herpes zoster scar: Wolf''s isotopic response], Melgar, E ; Henry, J ; Valois, A ; Dubois-Lacour, MB ; Truchetet, F ; Cribier, B & al, Ann Dermatol Venereol, PMID: 29673750.
- Lower-limb Ulcers in Systemic Sclerosis: A Multicentre Retrospective Case-control Study, Bohelay, G ; Blaise, S ; Levy, P ; Claeys, A ; Baudot, N ; Cuny, JF & al, Acta Derm Venereol, PMID: 29648670.
- Bilateral squamous cell carcinoma arising from cutaneous ulcerative lichen planus of the extremities: two case reports, Desroche, T ; Moawad, S ; Cuny, JF ; Lerondeau, B ; Simon, E ; Bursztejn, AC & al, Eur J Dermatol, PMID: 29547127.
- [Dermoscopic features of onychomatricoma], Marchetti, A ; Pouaha, J ; Thomas, L ; Dalle, S, Ann Dermatol Venereol, PMID: 29487018.
Génétique et hérédité
- Is there a genetic anticipation in breast and/or ovarian cancer families with the germline c.3481_3491del11 mutation?, El Tannouri, R ; Albuisson, E ; Jonveaux, P ; Luporsi, E, Fam Cancer, PMID: 28493033.
- Guidelines for reporting secondary findings of genome sequencing in cancer genes: the SFMPP recommendations, Pujol, P ; Vande Perre, P ; Faivre, L ; Sanlaville, D ; Corsini, C ; Baertschi, B & al, Eur J Hum Genet, PMID: 30089825.
Gynécologie et obstétrique
- [PALB2, a major susceptibility gene for breast cancer], Piffer, A ; Luporsi, E ; Mathelin, C, Gynecol Obstet Fertil Senol, PMID: 30243941.
- A Spontaneous Regression of an Isolated Lymph Node Metastasis from a Primary Unknown Merkel Cell Carcinoma in a Patient with an Idiopathic Hyper-Eosinophilic Syndrome, Raffaele Longo, Oana Balasanu, Mathilde Chastenet de Castaing, Eric Chatelain, Mohammed Yacoubi, Marco Campitiello, Nathalie Marcon & Francesca Plastino, PMID 30510152.
- Epidemiological data of anaphylaxis in french emergency departments, Corriger, J ; Beaudouin, E ; Rothmann, C ; Penven, E ; Haumonte, Q ; Thomas, H & al, J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol, PMID: 30411700.
Médecine d'urgence
- Practical management of concomitant acute heart failure and worsening renal function in the emergency department, Ferreira, JP ; Chouihed, T ; Nazeyrollas, P ; Levy, B ; Seronde, MF ; Bilbault, P & al, Eur J Emerg Med, PMID: 28984663.
Médecine général et interne
- Prolonged Cefoxitin Infusion Using Mobile Elastomeric Infusors In Outpatients With Bone And Joint Infection. Cavalli, Z ; Becker, A ; Bosch, A ; Conrad, A ; Triffault-Filit, C ; Valour, F & al, PMID 30416941
- Timing of Renal-Replacement Therapy in Patients with Acute Kidney Injury and Sepsis, Barbar, SD ; Clere-Jehl, R ; Bourredjem, A ; Hernu, R ; Montini, F ; Bruyère, R & al, N Engl J Med, PMID: 30304656.
- Effect of High-Flow Nasal Oxygen vs Standard Oxygen on 28-Day Mortality in Immunocompromised Patients With Acute Respiratory Failure: The HIGH Randomized Clinical Trial, Azoulay, E ; Lemiale, V ; Mokart, D ; Nseir, S ; Argaud, L ; Pène, F & al, JAMA, PMID: 30357270.
- Peritoneal Myeloid Sarcoma in a Patient Treated for a Testicular Seminoma, Longo, R ; Dorvaux, V ; Chatelain, E ; Quétin, P ; Plastino, F ; Eid, N & al, Am J Case Rep, PMID: 29955031.
- Subcutaneous administration of paracetamol-Good local tolerability in palliative care patients: An observational study, Leheup, BF ; Ducousso, S ; Picard, S ; Alluin, R ; Goetz, C, Palliat Med, PMID: 29737243.
- Chronic Stress protection for postnatal dEpREssioN prEvention (SERENE): a protocol for an exploratory study, Tharwat, D ; Trousselard, M ; Balès, M ; Sutter-Dallay, AL ; Fromage, D ; Spitz, E & al, BMJ Open, PMID: 29724735.
- -Harboring Plasmid Predict Embolism in Infective Endocarditis, Rasigade, JP ; Leclère, A ; Alla, F ; Tessier, A ; Bes, M ; Lechiche, C & al, Front Cell Infect Microbiol, PMID: 29938201.
- Impact of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Minority Variants on the Virus Response to a Rilpivirine-Based First-line Regimen, Raymond, S ; Nicot, F ; Pallier, C ; Bellecave, P ; Maillard, A ; Trabaud, MA & al, Clin Infect Dis, PMID: 29244143.
- Imaging features and safety and efficacy of endovascular stroke treatment: a meta-analysis of individual patient-level data, Román, LS ; Menon, BK ; Blasco, J ; Hernández-Pérez, M ; Dávalos, A ; Majoie, CBLM & al, Lancet Neurol, PMID: 30264728.
- Penumbral imaging and functional outcome in patients with anterior circulation ischaemic stroke treated with endovascular thrombectomy versus medical therapy: a meta-analysis of individual patient-level data, Campbell, BCV ; Majoie, CBLM ; Albers, GW ; Menon, BK ; Yassi, N ; Sharma, G & al, Lancet Neurol, PMID: 30413385.
- Effect of general anaesthesia on functional outcome in patients with anterior circulation ischaemic stroke having endovascular thrombectomy versus standard care: a meta-analysis of individual patient data, Campbell, BCV ; van Zwam, WH ; Goyal, M ; Menon, BK ; Dippel, DWJ ; Demchuk, AM & al, Lancet Neurol, PMID: 29263006.
- [The French Genetic and Cancer Consortium guidelines for multigene panel analysis in hereditary breast and ovarian cancer predisposition], Moretta, J ; Berthet, P ; Bonadona, V ; Caron, O ; Cohen-Haguenauer, O ; Colas, C & al, Bull Cancer, PMID: 30268633.
- Familial breast cancer and DNA repair genes: Insights into known and novel susceptibility genes from the GENESIS study, and implications for multigene panel testing, Girard, E ; Eon-Marchais, S ; Olaso, R ; Renault, AL ; Damiola, F ; Dondon, MG & al, Int J Cancer, PMID: 30303537.
- Clinical and pathologic characteristics of breast cancer patients carrying the c.3481_3491del11 mutation, El Tannouri, R ; Albuisson, E ; Jonveaux, P ; Luporsi, E, Fam Cancer, PMID: 29550896.
- Salvage Surgery for Esophageal Cancer: How to Improve Outcomes?, Cohen, C ; Tessier, W ; Gronnier, C ; Renaud, F ; Pasquer, A ; Théreaux, J & al, Ann Surg Oncol, PMID: 29417405.
- Scanning Acoustic Microscopy Comparison of Descemet''s Membrane Normal Tissue and Tissue With Fuchs'' Endothelial Dystrophy, Ahmed Mohamed, ET ; Perone, JM ; Brand, S ; Koegel, M ; Declercq, NF, Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, PMID: 30481279.
- Lateral tarsal strip versus lateral tarsal strip with three-snip punctoplasty for managing epiphora in involutional ectropion, Ehrhardt, A ; Guechi, O ; Zaidi, M ; Sot, M ; Lhuillier, L ; Houmad, N & al, J Fr Ophtalmol, PMID: 30217604.
- Reply. Central corneal thickness and endothelial damage after cataract surgery, Perone, JM ; Goetz, C ; Lhuillier, L ; Zaidi, M, Cornea, PMID: 29620565.
- Correlation Between Postoperative Central Corneal Thickness and Endothelial Damage After Cataract Surgery by Phacoemulsification, Perone, JM ; Boiche, M ; Lhuillier, L ; Ameloot, F ; Premy, S ; Jeancolas, AL & al, Cornea, PMID: 29303887.
- Visibility and Depth of the Stromal Demarcation Line After Corneal Collagen Cross-Linking Using Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography: Comparison Between Isoosmolar and Hypoosmolar Riboflavin, Lhuillier, L ; Ghetemme, C ; Boiché, M ; Yahia, R ; Houmad, N ; Zaidi, M & al, Cornea, PMID: 29300266.
- [Drug administration to pediatric patients: Evaluation of the nurses'' preparation habits in pediatric units], Ménétré, S ; Weber, M ; Socha, M ; Le Tacon, S ; May, I ; Schweitzer, C & al, Arch Pediatr, PMID: 29395886.
- Asthma and post-traumatic stress disorder, Underner M., Peiffer G., Perriot J., Jaafari N. PMID 30318431
- Likely False-Positive Pneumococcal Antigen Test BinaxNOW Due to Parvimonas micra: A Four-Case Series, Marie-Caroline Ploton, Marion Caseris, Christelle Jost, Yoann Picard, Jean Gaschignard, Charlotte Pierron, Suzy Canivez, Roxanne Le Dalour, Michael Bendavid, Agnès Carol, Philippe Bidet, Stéphane Bonacorsi, PMID 29626971
- [COPD: think about occupational exposures!] Peiffer, G ; Underner, M ; Perriot, J ; Dalphin, JC, PMID 30840394
- [COPD and smoking cessation: Patients'' expectations and responses of health professionals], Peiffer, G ; Underner, M ; Perriot, J, Rev Pneumol Clin, PMID: 30455124.
- [Spontaneous pneumothorax and lung emphysema in cannabis users], Underner, M ; Urban, T ; Perriot, J ; Peiffer, G ; Harika-Germaneau, G ; Jaafari, N, Rev Pneumol Clin, PMID: 30420278.
- [The respiratory effects of smoking], Peiffer, G ; Underner, M ; Perriot, J, Rev Pneumol Clin, PMID: 29793770.
- [Smoking cessation: Pharmacological strategies different from standard treatments], Underner, M ; Perriot, J ; Peiffer, G ; Harika-Germaneau, G ; Jaafari, N, Rev Pneumol Clin, PMID: 29773262.
- [Tobacco smoking and stopping smoking interventions in patients with TB], Perriot, J ; Underner, M ; Peiffer, G, Rev Pneumol Clin, PMID: 30316651.
- [Helping smoking cessation in COPD, asthma, lung cancer, operated smokers], Perriot, J ; Underner, M ; Peiffer, G ; Dautzenberg, B, Rev Pneumol Clin, PMID: 29748064.
- [Is reduction of tobacco consumption associated with reduced risk of cardiovascular and pulmonary mortality and morbidity?], Underner, M ; Peiffer, G ; Perriot, J ; Harika-Germaneau, G ; Jaafari, N, Rev Pneumol Clin, PMID: 29748063.
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Recherche Médicale
- High-flow nasal oxygen vs. standard oxygen therapy in immunocompromised patients with acute respiratory failure: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial, Azoulay, E ; Lemiale, V ; Mokart, D ; Nseir, S ; Argaud, L ; Pène, F & al, Trials, PMID: 29506579.
Sciences multidisciplinaires
- Multi-locus sequence typing of Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum present in clinical samples from France: Infecting treponemes are genetically diverse and belong to 18 allelic profiles, Pospíšilová, P ; Grange, PA ; Grillová, L ; Mikalová, L ; Martinet, P ; Janier, M & al, PLoS One, PMID: 30024965.
Sciences paramédicales
- Organisation du système de santé en cas de situation sanitaire exceptionnelle, Braun, F ; Walkowiak, P ; Autori, J ; Drexler, D ; Lefort, H, Soins, PMID: 30449476.
- Le plan Blanc : la crise à l’hôpital, Foucher, S ; Drexler, D ; Le Loch, JB ; Braun, F ; Lefort, H, Soins, PMID: 29773259.
Urologie - néphrologie
- [Icodextrin: What arguments for and against its use as an osmotic agent in peritoneal dialysis], Savenkoff, B ; Flechon-Meibody, F ; Goffin, É, Nephrol Ther, PMID: 29291942.
- Are nurses ready to help to improve cost-effectiveness? A multicentric national survey on knowledge of costs among ICU paramedical staff, Romain Hernu 1 , Martin Cour 1 2 , Laurent Argaud 3 4 , “Costs in French ICU” Study Group, PMID 29279972